"Prattfall..." Part V

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Disclaimer: Would Joss want his name associated with this? I think not...But anyway all BTVS characters remain the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and all other owner/creators of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series...Though his brother Mort gets nothing...

Archived at the Normalverse page of the Buffy Rebecca verse, www.buffyrebecca.com/Normalverse.html...

Summary: As you know I leave the "Pratt" to the Whedonverse, except for this one little bit...

In early 30's Hollywood Spike offers advice and support to a distant relative...Who may not be as distant as all that...

Part V...

Paramount-Publix Pictures Studio...

Casting call...Open...

Ergo, an endless line of desperate young women attempting to look nonchalant and fresh from their grand tours of Europe...

"Name?" the middle-aged, frighteningly black-haired, secretary paused from filing her nails to give a cold stare at the wan-looking young woman facing her...

Dru froze up a moment...


"Waverly..." Frances, next in line before the desk, cut in.  Dru giving grateful beam...

"Yes, Drusilla Waverly..."

"Any acting experience...?"

"In London and Coventry...A bit of Shakespeare and some singing and tableau during the War.  With a traveling company..."

Now sadly defunct due to age of the founders and several vicious if mysterious murders...She did not say...

Thank God Spike had suggested they leave Mr. Briggs and his wife alive to vouch for them if they ever needed a little work in the halls or provincial stage.  Although the dears might be a wee bit surprised to find their dear Drusilla still successfully claiming to be in her 20s...

"During the War...?" the secretary eyed her.

Ummn... "Child acting...Though I did a bit later..."


"Here..." she handed over her portfolio of shots.  The secretary waved to indicate a pile of the same.  Opening briefly and thumbing...

"You got a gown...?" the secretary asked.  Looking up at her... "We may need a few extras to do some society types..."

"Oh, yes..." Dru nodded eagerly. "As does my friend Frances here..." Catching Ms. Kay's uncertain eye...

Don't worry about it, Fran...

"All right...Have a seat in there." the secretary pointed behind her...

Oh, my...Dru blinked.

First hurdle passed...

"I know you..." the secretary turned to Frances, nodding.  "You can go on in..."

"Thanks, Edna..." Frances patted her shoulder. "You're aces..."

"Hey, girls..." she waved to the privileged group waiting inside.  The women still waiting in the reception room line casting longing, hopeful, and occasionally, dirty glances their way...

"Fran..." several acknowledged her.  She led Dru to a seat, sitting beside her...

A couple of those who'd greeted her staring...

"Prattfall..."Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin