"Are you sure?" She asked. "Yeah. I just wanted to know about her." I said. "Listen, uh, is there a way that I can help you guys? In anything?"

She let out a deep breath and said "Normally I wouldn't accept your help but..." -she let out another shaky breath and said- "we weren't prepared for something this big."

"It's okay. I really do want to help, in whatever way I can." I said. "Maybe I can send you guys some supplies, maybe food? I- I really don't know. Whatever you guys need."

"I don't trust that it'll actually get to us." "There's a lot of issues in regards to that right now."

I sighed and nodded as I tried to think of something.

"What if I fly you guys over here? It won't fix anything but at least you can stay somewhere safe and comfortable." I suggested. "Aw honey. That's so sweet but, there are no flights available right now, I've checked." She said. "I can send a private plane." I said.

"Oh sweetheart, I can't ask that of you." She said. "No, I'm offering." I said. I heard her sigh and she stayed silent, like she was thinking about it. "Let me do this for you guys." I said. If things were getting so bad, I don't want them to stay over there. I want them to be safe.

"Alright." She said. "Okay." I said. "I-I'm gonna talk to scooter and we'll get everything ready for you guys , okay?"

"Thank you Justin." "Thank you so much."

"Of course."

We ended the call and I was finally able to calm down. I was finally able to breath. All these days I've been thinking the worst case scenarios. I didn't know anything, all I knew was that if something happened to Charlotte, and our last conversation was it for us... I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

Charlotte's POV

"No way!" I argued. "We're going and that's final." My mom said.  "I'd rather starve to death, watch my body decompose, or be caught up in another hurricane." I said, which made David laugh.

My mom crossed her arms and said "Just because he's the one helping us doesn't mean we're going to see him. We won't stay with him."

I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

"Besides, what happened between you two that you can't stand to see him. Last time he was here you were inseparable." She said.

"Nothing." I said. "I'm not going to California mom. And less if it's on his plane."

"I beg to differ." She said as I grabbed a flashlight and walked away, ignoring her:

There's no way I'm going with this. I don't want to have any connection to that jerk. He blocked me! Everywhere! Instead of maintaining a normal conversation like adults, he just blocked me. Who does that?

I didn't ask him to leave my life, I didn't tell him I didn't want to be with him. I do, or I did.

All I wanted was time. Everything was happening at the same time, Neels and I breaking up, him finding out the truth, then me going out with him, the kissing, it was all overwhelming! I didn't get any time to process anything!

But he chose to push me away...

I laid down on my bed and crossed my arms.

I know I'm gonna end up going. There isn't even food here, even water is hard to achieve in this goddamn colony. We're living worse than the flinstones. Due to the lack of electricity, I sleep every night in my own puddle of sweat! Then, if I want to take a shower, I have to use cups for a limited amount of water, because even non potable water is hard to get. Same goes with food, we don't eat a lot to avoid running out of it.

My eyes were burning as I held back the urge to cry. I didn't want to see him, no matter how horrible things are in this place, I'd rather stay than face him.

I just wish it wasn't his plane, that we weren't going to California, where it's so obvious that I might run into him.

Well... at least I could go back to working. That's a plus.

I have to admit, having him block me hurt. I'm not used to being so disconnected from him. Even when we're not together, we always ended up talking to each other, even if it's a five minute conversation. Or we would always know what the other one was up to due to social media. Ever since the last day I saw him, I know nothing about him.

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