Chapter 12

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  I finally got Max back from Modo, it was like pulling teeth. I was glad Max had made a friend, since I hadn't had much time for him. I decided I owed him some good bonding time, and set out for the lake I could see from my bathroom window. It looked like a beautiful spot to spend the day. 

  I walked through the city and realized when I got to the stone wall that I hadn't ever left without Sorin, so I wasn't sure how to get out. Every other time Sorin had opened the gate. Upon exploring the gate I discovered a spot just barely big enough to squeeze through and we were off on our adventure.

  The forest was incredible. The colors of the trees were so vivid. It was like color was intensified there, everything was so bright and unusual. There were hedges that were more blue than green. Ground cover with beautiful white flowers, wound itself around everything on the forest floor. A lot of the tall grass was green with fuchsia tips. There were trees that were so vibrantly red and orange; they literally looked like they were on fire. It was quite incredible.

  It's funny because, Elizabeth used to make faerie furniture and faerie houses and something about the forest reminded me of them. I know she would have loved it there. It was everything we used to dream about. 

  The forest was alive with the many sounds of nature. There were some strange looking animals, one creature looked like a big furry spider but with an adorable face and long furry ears!  It looked at me very inquisitively.

  That was kinda weird.

  There were also lots of animals that were similar to ones at home like porcupines, skunks (although they were white with a grey stripe), chipmunks, rabbit like creatures, but they had round ears and were a glowing magenta color. One of the birds that flew over was at least twice the size of a hawk with sparkling bright red fluffy feathers.

  I was starting to feel like Snow White by the time we reached the water. It was like the whole forest wanted to see the foreigners. I was intimidated at first, afraid they would hurt us, until two little beings came out of the woods.

  At first I thought they were children the way they hesitated and giggled. Once they stepped into the light I could see they had wings fluttering on their backs! 

  "Hello there." I called over to them.

  They giggled and called back in unison "Hello there."

  I sat still in the sand, with Max on my lap and watched as they slowly approached us. They were breathtaking creatures.

  The little girl had long curly blonde hair, huge blue eyes and pointy ears. She wore a dress, the bodice made of multicolored flowers and the skirt made of thousands of green leaves that hung down like strips of ribbon. In her hair she wore a crown of berries, and her wings were iridescent and shimmered every color under the sun.

   The little boy also had blonde curly hair, about six inches long, and he had the same stunning eyes but green and cute pointy ears. He wore only long shorts made of leaves in every shade of green. His skin was like ivory and on his back were beautiful shimmering wings.

  The boy approached first, seeming to stick his little chest out, and walk very tough. He was so cute I had to laugh. He looked just like a cherub. He came up and grabbed a hold of my hand.  He bowed and kissed the back of it. "A pleasure to meet you my lady," he said in the smallest voice. "I am the mighty Jaffy," he exclaimed.

  "It's a pleasure to meet you Jaffy," I told him.

  "Jaffy, you are such a drama king!" The little girl chided. "I am Ella, it is nice to meet you." She smiled and waved.

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