Chapter 19

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The Scavenger Hunt Begins

Mr. Perry cleared his throat and took centre stage. Or centre of the dining room, should I say.

"I have called this urgent meeting before lunch to talk about the events that are transpiring within my hotel. I have a business. This is my business. I have a reputation to uphold, and currently it's being tarnished. As soon as the storm clears, and I call the police, everyone will know about the other two murders here and this hotel will go down in ruins. It will no longer be the sanctuary for some people to come to and let their secrets become free and relive themselves of the weight on their shoulders."

Everyone was listening to every single syllable he uttered. You could virtually hear a pin drop in this room. It seemed like everyone was too busy thinking about the recent deaths – Hilda had abruptly started sobbing quietly in the corner – because my mind deviated away from contemplating about the possible reasons why Betty was not down in this room listening to this speech.

It took me a moment to realise, in the pause that Mr. Perry took to let his eyes wander over his crowd of listeners that Betty also was absent when Matt's body was discovered. I couldn't remember seeing her when Kimberly was found, either. The first time I met her was at her room without Melina by my side.

"In my mind, I've got a few suspicions about who the murderer could be. This hotel has never been so popular before in one time since the shooting thirty years ago, and there's a reason why it's busy these past few days. Every single room in this hotel is filled." Well, I thought, all minus one. "The murderer should know that as soon as this storm clears, I'm phoning the cops." He paused again, and I ruled this down to generating a dramatic effect to lure his audience into every single word he was saying. "And I hope the murderer rots in prison."

His speech seemed to be over because everyone started applauding him. He nodded his gratitude and added as a fleeting afterthought, "I hope everyone enjoys their lunch and the rest of the stay here at Hotel Nigh."

"I thought his speech would be different," Melina whispered to me as Elliot and Danny began talking to the different tables and Mr. Perry departed from the room. Guess Elliot was doing a little overtime and acting as a waiter for the time being.

"What do you mean?"

She shrugged nonchalantly, but rethought this response and tilted her head. Silent, she began contemplating her words. "I don't know, but I didn't think he'd drone on so much about the reputation of the hotel. That was long gone thirty years ago, at the first shooting."

Melina kept any other opinions to herself whilst dinner took place. Virtually everyone was here, and though the mood was sombre, especially after Mr. Perry's announcement, there was still light-hearted discussion between people. Danny tried to crack jokes whenever he deposited someone's food in front of them, whilst Elliot seemed to do as little talking as possible.

Most people scarpered as soon as they'd scoffed down their pudding – Gerald was the first to leave – and soon it was just Hilda, Little Jenny, Melina and I. Even Danny and Elliot were spending as much time as possible in the kitchen, and whenever they passed one another, they shared a glance. Melina and I thought it was time we left and we returned back to my room.

She made it into my room before I did, because I was still closing my door when she marched right up to my bed. I had the assumption that she was about to collapse onto it. I wouldn't blame her; I would have joined her in an instant if she had done so, but she was standing there with a piece of paper in her hands. Standing behind her and peering over her shoulder, I automatically recognised the handwriting.

Want to delve deeper into the mystery that is Hotel Nigh and the necklace? I can help you. Only with my help will you be able to solve this mystery. It's bigger than the both of you could ever realise. But nothing is ever just fun and games, is it? Make sure to watch your backs, because you never know who's lurking in the shadows.

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