Chapter 02

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Residents and Workers Alike

When I was a child and I'd go on holiday with my parents and my brother, Ethan and I would sneak out for a little while and explore the realm that was the hotel we were staying in. Now at Hotel Nigh, it seemed only fitting to retain the tradition and take a gander around the hotel.

My first destination was the second floor. It was a replica of the first floor with the exception of the room names and at the end of the corridor was another door. It wasn't for a room, however. It had ROOF written on the door in a thick pen and scrawled handwriting abilities. I tried opening the door or see if anything would prop it open but no avail. It was either jammed or locked.

"I don't think we're allowed up there if the door is locked," a female voice called out behind me.

Turning around there was a girl with long, dark hair and dark eyes. She was wearing a baggy flannel shirt, ripped jeans, worn sneakers and a headband in her hair to push some of it back from her face. She seemed natural on the make-up front.

"Can I help you?" I asked back. Perhaps I could have been a little nicer, I perceived, when I noticed my voice ended up a little harsher than intended.

She didn't write the note, definitely, I mused. It was irrefutably a guy's handwriting. It was messy and squiggly and that type of illegibility that came with the territory of guy's handwriting. When I was at school, I got frequent low marks due to teachers not being able to read my handwriting. English was the worst. I had to actually take longer to write just so it was comprehensible to examiners and teachers.

"I don't want your help, but if you want mine to unlock that door then I can help. I've wanted to see what the roof's like," she replied, crossing her arms over her chest. "Been locked the entire time I've been here."

"And how long has that been?"

"About a week," she said, shrugging nonchalantly.

Something seemed off about this girl, but I wasn't about to voice this. Instead, I shook my head at her and deemed her harmless. "My name's Jason McCann," I said, suddenly worried that she'd be aware of my name and family history what with the tabloids and newspapers and whatnot.

"Melina Nicole." She nodded once. There was no indication in her voice that she knew who I was from the news. The cops had to interview me and even the press wanted to interview me; I gave as little information as possible to the press.

"Apparently there's a storm coming."

"Mr. Perry announced it to everyone at dinner last night. I'm sure he'll do the same tonight just in case some residents have forgotten. He'll say that people will be silly to go out in the storm and they are more than welcome to stay cooped up inside with everyone and he'll put things on in the hotel and the whole malarkey."

"Sounds like it's all planned out."

"Melina, are you okay?" a voice sounded out from behind her. She was somewhat tall, so it was difficult to see the figure accurately behind her.

"Yeah, I was just talking to Jason. I don't have anything that needs fixing today." She sounded polite. I guess she was speaking to the handyman. "Thanks, Elliot."

Elliot was stepping closer because his loud footsteps were becoming even louder. When I looked down, he was wearing boots similar to I'm sure what the army wears. He was wearing dungarees under navy overalls that were tied at his waist. He was definitely young and thin, that's what I could make out. He was also clean-shaven and had eyes the shade of grass that is gravely lacking nutrients such as water.

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