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"Haily if you don't sit your but down somewhere before i whoop it" I yelled across the room.

This little girl is going to be the death of me. She got one more time for me to catch her dancing like that. I aint raising no thots.

"But Maaaaaaaa!!!!" She yelled back.


My name is De'lajah Jones and i'm twenty years old. The way that me and Haily talk your probably wondering how old she is. My Haily Poo is four years old today. August twenty-first. I've practically been raising Hailey all by myself. I'm like she got a daddy and all but he aint about nothing. A man who only comes around on christmas and her birthday aint no daddy but i aint gone  talkbad about him around Hailey. He just recently started coming around last year.

"Ma, is my daddy coming?"

I looked at her and didnt respond. Chris had just text me a few minutes ago. He aint gone make it but he said that he was going to send her sister Royalty and his mom over. I'm like Hailey loves RoRo and her grandmother. Hopefully that will be ennough to take her mind off of the fact that her daddy is going to show.

"I'm sorry Poo. Daddy cant make it. RoRo and Granny are coming though"

My baby looked at me with tears in her eyes and i just wanted to beat the hell out of him. What the fuck was so important that you miss your four year olds birthday party. I bet he didnt miss RoRo fourth birthday party.

"Come here momma baby....... You aint  got to cry. I promise you daddy gone make it up to you ok. "

It hurt my heart to see my baby so down on her birthday. This is her day she should be having fun and being happy. Not sitting around crying at her birthday party worrying where her daddy at because he suppose to be at her damn birthday party.

I was so pissed off at chris i called his phone.


My blood was boiling at this point like i'm highly pissed off. You just text me why you cant answer your damn phone? So i left a voicemail.

"Chris you need to answer your damn phone. Haily is devastated at the fact of the matter that you are not here. I told you in the beginning that if your going to be half assing this you could have stayed out of our lives. haily was fine without a dad. She didnt know about you and didnt ask about a daddy. I washer momma and her daddy until you want to pop up and try and be a father every other weekend. It dont work like that. When you start affecting my baby in this way i will fuck you up chris. I swear i will"

I hung up the phone and turned around and everyone was staring at me. Momma Brown, RoRo, Haily, everybody. Haily looked at me and her little eyes where red. I can tell that she had just stopped crying. She took of running towards the house.

"Haily Poo Wait" I yelled.

"Dont worry Ma, Im gone talk to her" Said RoRo.

"Thank you RoRo."

I felt so bad i wasnt sure what to do or what to say.

"DeeDee, Come here" Said Momma Brown.

I walked towards her and i held my breath because i knew she was going to yell at me.  

"Dee you know chris didn't know anything about my Poo. He's doing what he can."

My first instinct was to curse her out but I didn't. Haily is at the age where her fathers presence is important to her now that she knows he exists. I'm not going to allow him to do her how my father did me.

Rewind to 19 years ago

I don't understand why he don't love me? I'm a pretty girl.

"Baby girl come in here..." I heard him yell.

I walked up the hall way to see my dad in the living room with his bags.

"Daddy are we moving? Why you got all your stuff? "

He looked at me and he motioned for me to come and sit on his lap.

"You know your my little princess Dee, right? "

"Yes sir"

"And that I love you with ever inch of breath in my body"

"I love you too Daddy. Why are you crying"

He looked at me and he was very hesitant. It looked as if he didn't want to tell me. I thought somebody had died.

" okay baby. Well Daddy has to go. I have some business to handle I'll be gone for awhile and then I'll come back and get you okay. Momma gone take real good care of you I promise"

After that day i believe i may have seen my father three times after that. I didn't understand and my mother wasn't trying to help me to understand. I eventually got up to age and was looking or love from my father in all the wrong places. I believe i was maybe fifteen when i met chris. I believe he was twenty four maybe twenty three.

Yes hes way older than me but in his defense i didn't look my age and i also lied about my age. I know yall probably reading this and calling me a hoe and all kinds of things but i righteously dont care. 


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Chapter 2 coming soon..... 

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