⚜️Columbus Day-Teachertale⚜️

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Happy Columbus Day for those in America! If you don't know, Columbus Day is where Christopher Columbus tried to find the indies, but found America, and Teachertale is where all the monsters work in a school and Frisk is a student. (Asgore is the principal, Tori is an English teacher, Sans is science, Papyrus is Undyne's student teacher, Alphys is Math etc.)  The reader is also genderless. I'll let you fill that in.

I know I said I would do Halloween, but this one showed up, and I'm almost done with the Halloween. I'll probably post that one later today.



I woke up to my alarm. Groaning, I turned it off and fell back asleep, only to wake up an hour later with my boss, Asgore calling me.


"Y/N! Where are you?! School starts in twenty minutes!"

"But I don't have school. I'm an adul-MY JOB!"

I could hear him chuckling on the other line. "I'll get Papyrus to take over your Social Studies class until you get here Miss/Mr L/n."

"Thanks Sir. I'll see you in a few."

Without further ado, I hung up and quickly took a shower, change into nice clothes, and got a pop tart while going to my car. I slammed the door shut to the f/c Porsha, and drove to the school just over the speed limit.

My hair was a mess as I slammed the door open to my classroom, making everyone jump, and my kids laugh. Papyrus turned around. "HELLO Y/N! I WAS JUST TEACHING YOUR STUDENTS ABOUT CHRISTOFF COLUMBI AND HOW HE MADE SPAGHETTI!"

I chuckled. "It's Christopher Columbus Papyrus, and I don't think he made Spaghetti. He found America and thought it was the Indies by thinking the Earth was an oval shape."


"Hey Paps! The punk's here! I need your help making the other punks run!" Undyne called out.

"COMING UNDYNE!" With that, Papyrus ran out, leaving my students a groaning mess.

I chuckled and turned to face them. "Alright you guys, whose idea was it?" Frisk rose their hand. I smiled. "Good job. Now let's mess with the rest of the teacher's heads."

A bunch of cheering was heard and the students took a bunch of random objects from their backpacks. From Ketchup packets for the toilets, to Oreos filled with toothpaste. I chuckled evilly. "Let's do this."

Time Skip

We were in Sans' Science classroom, because he doesn't show up until later today. We covered all of his room in duct tape, bubble wrap, and wrote all over the white board in sharpie, Y/n's class is number 1! MUCH better than this lousy science class!  Frisk was giggling in a corner, and I walked over to find them spilling all of Sans' ketchup supplies outside in the window. I smiled. "Perfect Frisk. EVERYBODY SCATTER!" I screamed.

Everyone ran back to my classroom, and got out their textbooks. I started acting like I was teaching, and no less then ten minutes later, everyone started coming back to their classrooms, full of confetti, toilet paper, and balloons. Sans' room was the worst cause of the crush I had on him. They all waved at me, and I waved back.

No later than two minutes later, I heard screams coming from the classrooms. "YYYYYYYY/NNNN!"

I turned towards the door to see Tori, Mettaton, Undyne, Papyrus, Alphys, and Napstablook. Or otherwise known as the English, Fashion/sewing, P.E, Student Teacher, Math, and Music teachers. Grillby and Muffet weren't there because I didn't do anything to the cafeteria since the last time I did, I got burnt, and spiders were in my bed, giving me nightmares.

"Hey guys! What's up?"

"You know what's 'up' Y/n! What did you and your class do to our rooms?!" Mettaton demanded.

My class started snickering quietly. "I don't know what you're talking about Met. Did your clothing that you were working on pasta away again?" We put dried pasta bedazzled all over his fabric.

Everyone groaned, except for a laugh behind the whole groups. Everyone turned around to see Sans wearing his normal science lab coat, glasses, and grey turtle neck. "Hey everyone, why'd ya bothering Y/n here?"

I smiled, acting innocent. "Oh no you're not innocent Y/n." Undyne turned to Sans. "She was pranking all of us with her classes again."

Sans just laughed. "That again? I thought we already discussed this. Y/n did not take any candy and put it all over the gym ceiling."


"No buts." With that Sans chuckled, and walked away, Undyne huffing, then turning to me. "You'll be caught soon Y/n. Just you wait." She hissed.

A few seconds later everyone heard a deep scream. Everyone except your class ran to see, and started laughing. There was Sans, completely confused, in the middle of bubble wrap, and duct tape. "I need some ketchup."

By this time I had my hand over my mouth, trying not to laugh, but it failed when he opened one of the ketchup bottles and drank out of it, only to spit out yellow mustard from his permanent smile.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" There was mustard dribbling down his chin, and I couldn't keep it in anymore I started laughing. He glared at me.

"You think this is funny don't you?"

Sans' PoV

I watched as Y/n tried to put their hand over their mouth to keep on laughing. Once I opened my ketchup and drank out of it, I tasted something weird, it tasted sour and tangy. Like mustard. I spat it out and watched as yellow liquid came out of my mouth. "WHAT IS THIS?!"

I watched as Y/n started laughing, their beautiful/handsome eyes lighting up. I glared at them to not blush. "You think this is funny don't you?" I put my hands on my waist.

They were shaking their head no, while there was tears in their eyes. I started to blush, but I shook it off and started stomping towards them, only for everyone jump by the sound of the bell, and students running through the hallways, some going to my classroom. Y/n jumped up and ran to their classroom, to teach their highschoolers.

I sighed and looked at my students standing near the edge of the classroom. "We'll be having class outside today." I waved them out and followed them, to pass Y/n's classroom, teaching with all the boys/girls making googly eyes at them.

Time Skip.

I just finished cleaning my classroom, and looked at the time reading 6:39. I walked out to see Y/n's light still on. I walked over and knocked on the door twice.

3rd Person POV

Knock Knock

Y/n looked up from their work. They were grading essays on the second World War. They saw the head of Sans peaking out and smirking. They smiled and decided to join him in the fun.

"Whose there?"


"Mess who?"

"I finally cleaned up your mess. Mind telling me why ya here?"

I slightly smiled at the bad joke. "Oh ya know. Just grading reports."

"Ouch. That's why I don't do reports."

"Well, Asgore said I had to, so I did."

Sans chuckled. "Hey how about you take a break and go to Grillby's with me."

Y/n blushed. "S-sure. I'd like that."

Y/n stood up as Sans held his arm out to them. "Here ya go."

They both walked out, hand in hand, out to Grillby's. The school trailing in their dust.

AU!Sans x Reader Holiday one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now