"Then, you can just let me go."

"I have no right to let you go. If you want to leave, you should ask Chairman Yuan. If you cannot leave, then you should just stay here obediently."

Yuan Yang clenched his fists, "You bloody Gu. Are you trying to tell me that you want to control me?"

"Yes, I am the director and you are the assistant. Of course, I will be the one who control you. I am going to repeat it once more. As long you are an employee of this company, then you are bound to the system, bound by my supervision, unless you can leave the company. But you don't even have the capability to leave, so it's obviously not one of the things within my authority."

Yuan Yang kicked the high back executive chair upside down. Although the floor was covered with carpet, but the resulting sound effect was still awfully loud. He took several huge strides towards Gu Qing Pei and grabbed onto his collar, gnashing his teeth as he snarled, "You bloody Gu, don't you fucking keep on using my dad to control me. If you are still being so insatiable, I will let you know what is called regret."

"You want to hit me? Then, please do it with a light hand, or else it's going to be hard to explain to Chairman Yuan."

Yuan Yang was driven into fury until his veins popped out. Even if his fists were gurgling with anger, he was still unable to hit this infuriating man in front of him.

If this happened in the past, he would have lost count of the times he had thrashed and beaten Gu Qing Pei to death. But now, he can only endure everything because once he really does something aggressive, he knows that he will be dropping a huge advantage right onto his dad's hand. And when that time comes, his dad will certainly hold it against him and he will have no chance to counterattack nor free himself as long as he lives.

It didn't matter whether it was Yuan Yang or Gu Qing Pei. Both of them wished that the other one would be the first to take the initiative and withdraw from this battle so they wouldn't need to bear the responsibility of the blame from Yuan Li Jiang. But unfortunately, even if they want to compare whose will was stronger, neither of them would be willing to lose to the other party.

Once Yuan Yang used his force, Gu Qing Pei was immediately pushed back that his steps staggered. He pointed at Gu Qing Pei's nose and spoke coldly, "Bloody Gu, since you dare to challenge me, you better be well prepared. I want to see how big your courage is."

Gu Qing Pei merely sent him a vague smile, "I'll be looking forward to it at any time."

The End For Now

Translate at 10.09.2017 by Shao_Ye

Proofread by Beloved.Sienna


Today will have a special note so please be attention, don't skip don't skip don't skip!!! >3<!!

There will be 6 questions for you guys to answered and I only need 10 people who answered by sending me the answer in my WATTPAD MESSAGE!! NOT COMMENT, IS WATTPAD MESSAGE!! :D!!

If I got 10 people who answered correct all of the question within 1 hours, I will give a surprise later...:P!!

Remember, this is very important.. <3!!
AND NO COMMENT! If whoever comment, I will add one more people to make this task to be success..Tee Hee!!

All the best!! <3

Question 1:-
Total how many human are in the conference room?
A. 20
B. 21
C. 22
D. 23

Question 2
When did Chairman Yuan invite Gu Qing Pei to enter Zhou Company Group?
A. 3-4 years
B. 2-3 years
C. 2-1 years
D. He just recently asked Gu Qing Pei in this year.

Question 3
What industry does Gu Qing Pei work in previously before he came into Zhou Company Group?
A. Oil and Natural Gas Industry
B. Manufacturing Industry
C. Chemical Industry
D. Telecommunications Industry

Question 4
Chairman Yuan's two companies that are going to merge with Zhou Company Group will pump up how much of the finances?
A. 3 billion worth of cash
B. 3 billion worth of asset
C. 4 billion worth of cash
D. 4 billion worth of asset

Question 5
What is the first step that needs to be done under Gu Qing Pei speeches?
A. Settle the management department.
B. Clean up the messy debt.
C. Build up company rules and regulations.
D. Wait for the finances from the merged companies.

Question 6 (BONUS X3) (Bonus question didn't include the first 5 must correct question)
Currently till chapter 5, Yuan Yuan position for Gu Qing Pei is what?
A. Driver and Assistant...:')
B. Future loveerrrr~~XD
C. "Uncle and Nephew"
D. All from "A, B, C"


Happy answering!!

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