Chapter 7: Home Sweet Home

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     Jax walked over to the small fire place inside the cabin and threw a match inside of it. The nights have gotten a bit chilly and they had to stay warm. He walked back over to the couch where Caroline was sitting and he saw down with her.

"So- what's next, Jax?" She asked him.

He turned his head and looked at her. "I don't know- I guess just.. stay here?" He said.

"But for how long?" She said. "We can't be sure if this place was even abandoned or not." She said.

"It sure as hell wasn't." A voice said behind them, as a gun was placed next to Caroline's head. Jax turned his head to see the man standing there with a gun pointing at her head. He didn't move because he was frightened he might shoot. "You have a lot of explaining to do." The man said. "Now put your hands behind your head, and get on your knees." 

Jax slowly put his hands above his head and got off the couch and onto the floor. The man kept the gun on Caroline's head as she got on the floor along side Jax.

Another man appeared, coming through the back door. "Hey- someone dug graves out in your field- holy shit." He said as he saw Jax and Caroline. "So people actually did break in here? Hey, where do you think Michael is? He said he was going to be here. He told me he met some guy Malcolm I think is name was?" The man said, walking through the cabin, over to where they were kneeling.

"Ya. I was wondering the same." The man with the gun said, holding it up to Caroline's head still.

He noticed the blood stains along the wall and floor, and the broken door which was put back together very clumsily. "So." The man said, clicking the gun and pushing it against Caroline's head. "Where is Michael?" 

"We don't know anyone named Michael." She said, turning her head at the man, glaring at him.

"Do you now?" He said, glaring back, tilting his head.

"Hey- when do you think the others are going to be here?" The other man said.

"Shut up, Smithy!" The man with the gun yelled at him. "Now. I know those blood stains weren't there before. Tell me where my men are." 

"They're dead." Jax cut in, turning his head at the man. "Malcolm, and this other man, came in. Malcolm and killed one of our friends, we didn't have a choice." 

"He shot you?" The man said.

Jax lowered one of his hands off from behind his head as he lowered his shirt, showing him the bandages covering the gun shot wound. The man glared at him. He clicked the gun again, and he put it in the holster around his waist. "Tie them up, Smithy." The man said, walking away from them.

Smithy walked over, pulling out restraints from his bag. Jax suddenly grabbed the gun from the holster around his leg, shooting Smithy in the leg. He raised his gun up as he shot at the other man, missing him, shooting the wall. The man ducked for cover as Jax got up.

"Come on, we have to go." Jax said, helping Caroline get up and running out the broken door. 

They ran out the door as they were suddenly blinded with a strong light.

"Put your hands where I can see them!" A voice behind the lights said.

Jax and Caroline put their hands up as their eyes adjusted. The bright lights were from two cars in front of the cabin. 

A man, around his mid 30s, walked up holding a rifle. "Who are you, and what're you doing in my cabin?"

Jax's eyes were still adjusting to the lights, as he saw the man's face appear in front of him.

"We were only seeking shelter- we aren't trying to start any trouble. We've only been here for 3 days." Jax said.

Smithy limped to the back door. "Mother fuckers..he shot me!" He yelled out to the man.

The man looked up at the wounded Smithy. "Did you shoot my son?" He asked.

Jax nodded. "It was only for self defense. We were trying to run." He said as he was antagonized by the man.

The man's face grew an angry look. "What about you?" He said to Caroline. 

"She had nothing to do with it." Jax interfered. 

The man's expression grew fierce, as he suddenly picked his gun up and hit Caroline across the face with it, knocking her out, having her fall to the ground. 

"NO!" Jax yelled as he attacked the man, but was quickly hit to the ground too.

They both laid unconscious on the ground as the man stood above him, shifting his gun around his shoulder. 

"Home sweet home." The man said as he walked past their bodies, and into the cabin.

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