Chapter 6: An Almost Happy Ending

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     Caroline opened her eyes and looked forward across the room. She saw the blood stains on the wall and the broken door had been fixed, the door knob screwed back up. She looked over at the other couch to see it was empty. She sighed and stretched as she sat up. She pushed her hair up into a ponytail and put her boots on. She walked out the other door outside as she saw Jax through the trees. He was standing in the field they were in before they found the cabin. She walked out through the trees to him. He was digging three holes side by side.

"How long?" She asked.

He turned to her, wiping his forehead. "Huh?" 

"How long have you been out here for?" She asked.

"All morning." He said as he began to dig again. 

Caroline looked over at the three bodies. One of them being Malcolm's. She looked away quickly. "You should take a break." She said. 

"No." Jax said as he kept on digging. "I'll take a break when they're in the ground." 

Caroline sighed as she walked back to the cabin. She went into the kitchen, seeing that it was decently stocked with food. She flicked the light switch on, as the light flickered on. She walked over to the sink as she pulled the lever, water started to pour out of the faucet. She laughed a little as she smiled. The cabin had running water. She wet a small towel as she went into the living room, trying to wipe the blood off of the floor and wall, managing to only fade it in. She sighed as she looked at the blood stained floor from Malcolm. She started to scrub it hard as she started to get angry. Jax walked over and put his hand on her shoulder. She turned suddenly as she stood up and hugged him. She started to cry a little bit as she rubbed her face into his shoulder. Jax hesitated as she touched his wound a bit.

"Sorry-" She said as she backed up a little.

"No- it's okay." He said, pulling her back in.

"Jax-" She said softly. "I'm scared." 

Jax held her tighter. "I know." He said softly back. "I know.."

Caroline pulled away a little as she sat him down on the couch. She pulled his shirt off and looked at the bandage over his wound, seeing that the wound was still bleeding. She took the old bandages off, putting new ones on. He looked at her while she did it.

"Thank you." Jax said.

She stood up smiling, throwing him his shirt. She walked away into the kitchen, going through some of the food that was left, pulling it out and opening up a can. She walked over to him, feeding him some of the food. 

"You know I can do this myself, right?" He said.

"Yeah but, it's fun." She said.

He smiled at her as she ate some of the food herself from the spoon. She got up and threw the can out, putting the spoon in the sink. It was weird for her- being in a place where she could feel like it wasn't the end of the world. She was almost happy. Just almost. She walked over to the bedroom where Jordan had been, and she walked into the bathroom. She turned the lever of the shower and water started to pour down. Hot water. She smiled as she walked out into the living room, looking at Jax. She smiled as she pulled her shirt off and threw it at him, walking into the other room. He glared at her, smirking as he caught her shirt. He walked over into the bedroom, not seeing Caroline around when he felt someone come up behind him, kissing his back. She pushed him into the bathroom as she smiled, closing the door behind them. She dropped her pants as he did the same and they stepped into the shower. The water was warm and calming as they hadn't taken showers in weeks. Jax grabbed the soap as he started to rub it along Caroline's body, washing her slowly. She rinsed her dirty blonde hair under the water as she rubbed her hands through Jax's hair. She grabbed the shampoo and started to wash his hair for him as he did the same. They laughed a bit. The night before- they were held at gun point. Three people died. And now the next day they're standing in a nice warm shower together washing each other's hair. It was a happy ever happy ending. Just almost. Caroline stopped as she rinsed his hair under the water and she stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel. Jax followed behind her as he turned off the water, grabbing a towel too. Caroline wrapped it around herself as she went out into the bedroom. She saw a closet and a dresser and decided to look through it for new clothes. Jax did the same.

"You don't think this is weird?" Caroline asked.

"What?" Jax replied.

"How we're going through someone's stuff like this." Caroline said.

"Whoever was here is probably long gone by now. If they truly cared about this crap, they would've taken it." Jax said as he pulled out a new pair of pants and shirt. 

Caroline sighed as she assumed Jax was right. She turned to Jax as he dropped his towel and got changed. She smiled as she found some new clothes and changed into them. A few hours later- the sun was setting. They had re-boarded the windows with new planks of wood so there weren't any cracks. Jax sat in a chair on the front porch of the cabin, looking out into the woods. Caroline opened the door and came out to him.

"hey." She said and smiled.

"hey." He replied back.

She turned and stood in front of him, getting on top of him and sitting in his lap. She put her arms around his neck.

"I never got to tell you this- but thank you." She said. "For everything."

He smiled at her. "You shouldn't be thanking me." He said.

"Why?" She replied.

"I didn't do much really." He said.

"Um- yes you did." Caroline said. "You ended a war that we were stuck in for months." 

"I didn't do it alone though." He said as he looked at her hazel eyes.

She smiled. "Well, good thing you have me." She said as she kissed his lips.

After a few minutes of sitting out on the porch, the air started to get cold and they went inside, sealing the door behind them. They went into the bedroom that Jordan had previously claimed, and fell asleep. Together.

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