70. Black Widow on the Warpath

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Five minutes later I stormed into Barrington Hall at full steam. My Lord and husband was just sitting back an armchair with a cup of tea reading War and Peace when the comet of his wife crashed into the living room.

"They're holding fox hunts!"

He lowered War and Peace. Good thing, too! From now on, there would be war, but definitely no peace!

"Sorry, I didn't catch that. What did you say?"

"I said they are holding fox hunts here! Real fox hunts, where real foxes get killed by real dogs!"

The teacup slipped from his hand and crashed to the floor.


"You heard me!" I glared at him. "And I know exactly who's behind it!"

Clearing his throat, he quickly sat up in his armchair and put War and Peace aside. "Now, you mustn't jump to conclusions, my love. I would never—"

"Woodward!" I growled, starting to march up and down in a tight circle. "That's who's behind this! "Sir Jasper Jedidiah Woodward!"

"Ah." My husband sank back into his armchair again. "Sir Jasper, of course. Quick thinking of you, my dear. What first aroused your suspicions?"

"Oh, come on!" I threw him a frustrated look. Men could really be so slow sometimes! "It's obvious, isn't it? With Silver Star, he showed what he's capable of! He showed what he's prepared to do to poor animals for his sick, twisted goals! It's not just anyone who is capable of doing stuff like that! You have to be a real, certified bastard commit such a barbarity!"

He shifted. "Um... really?"

I reached the end of the room, whirled, and marched back again.

"Of course! Oh, when I get my hands on that Sir Jasper, I will personally rip out his intestines, tie them into knots—"

"Maybe we shouldn't be too hasty."

"—and decorate the town square with them! And then, I'll cut off his head and stick it on a pole outside the Fox and Hounds!"

Again I reached a wall and turned abruptly. His Lordship watched me anxiously. "Perhaps a more diplomatic approach might be—"

"That is what you people over here do with lawbreakers, right?" I demanded. "Cut off their heads and parade them through the country?"

He cleared his throat. "Um. During the Middle Ages. And even back then it was reserved for the crime of high treason."

"Does cruelty to animals count as high treason?"

"I don't believe so, no. I think it is about cruelty to reigning monarchs."


I whirled once more. In three steps, I was back at the other wall and had slammed my fist against it. "Damn, damn, damn!" With each curse, my fist slammed into the wall again. "There's no justice in the world!"

Slowly, my husband rose and stepped towards me. "How do you know about this, anyway? I haven't heard anything about an illegal fox hunt."

"Mrs. Jacobs!"

"The landlady of the inn where you used to stay?"

"Yes. She overheard someone talking about it in her common room. She wouldn't tell me who it was though." I gritted my teeth. "Can't say that I blame her. It's Sir Jasper behind this, after all. I suppose he has too much influence in these parts for her to want to cross him."

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