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•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:

————————————————Your POV:________________________________

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The thumping of my heart resembled the rapid beat of a drum, echoing in the depths of my head as I slip into the house as quiet as a mouse, shutting the door slowly behind me to keep creaking to a minimum. I let go of a breath I held once it was sealed shut and turn the lock, my hand trembling a bit. I hope mom is home. Wanting to stop by my room first to put my things away, I attempt to shuffle past my family. I can hear them talking, but I'm too focused on sneaking by that I don't pay attention to what their conversation is about until I hear my name being called.

"Y/N, there you are! Where on Earth have you been? I've been worried sick about you." Mom's shout made me jump, but as soon as I realized it was her, I was immediately washed over by a wave of relief. With my head slightly lowered, I peer into the dining room as she leaves her chair and comes over to engulf me in a warm, bear hug. I return the embrace with a single arm, doing my best to calm my frayed nerves.

"Sorry, ma. I was just—" Before I could get a chance to finish, the woman pulls back and looks down at the plush elephant held snugly in my other arm with a quizzical look.

"Where did you get this?" It was a reasonable thing to ask, so I don't know why it made me a little anxious to answer. I let her take the toy from me for examination, feeling my heart sink a bit when she did. That elephant, it's like a connection to Chester. I didn't really want to let go of it, but mom would never do anything terrible to my belongings. She isn't like my sister or father.

"Earlier today, I found a ticket to the circus, so I decided to check it out. Sorry I didn't tell you. I should've, but I didn't expect to be out so late." I smile softly. "It was very fun, though." She looks at me in surprise, but it soon changes into a sad smile as she hands the plush back to me. I graciously squeeze it the instant it's in my grasp, feeling much better holding it again.

"I see. Well, I'm glad you got to have some fun, but you really shouldn't have taken that ticket. I bet someone was probably looking everywhere for it." I did not consider that. My head drops in shame, my eyes staring down at my feet as I grip the elephant harder, resulting in a snide comment from my sister, Sophie.

"How'd you get the elephant? Did your boyfriend get it for you? Oh, wait, ugly girls don't get boyfriends." She snorts out a laugh, and mom gives her a scolding look.

"Sophie! That is not nice to say about your sister."

"Not my fault she looks as ugly as that stupid toy." Just as mom was about to stick up for me, I put my foot down and do it myself.

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