Chapter 2 (part 2)

Start from the beginning


"Then what's holding you back?' I yelled. Tears started to streams down my pale cheek and those pleading eyes asking for more understanding. Maybe the moon goddess made mistake, why would she pair two men to spend their lives together? She didn't foresee this to happen. Didn't she know that we are just hurting each other just one or two can't accept the fact that they are mated to someone we doesn't want?

Why can't we just choose whom we wanted to be with? Why can't we love someone normally like humans? For us werewolves, we need to wait for our mate. They said, you can find yours when you reach 18 but on my part I already find mine when I turned 16. I am special but Tae never know about it, for him I am just an ordinary wolf like others. I am half human, half werewolf.

Unlike me, Tae who is the next alpha of his pack, he needed a Luna before stepping up. It's a must. Well, I don't think it should be like that simply because I don't like how the council of werewolves intervene to pack's things.

"Let's stop this today, you need time? I give you time. Have your ways". I sadly say. Always arguing with the same reason won't make our relationship progress. I need to say everything I am feeling deep inside of me. I love him, of course, I do but I don't really know if he feels the same way to me. I turned my back to him. I couldn't stand feeling like this, it hurts me most. But his the reason of those tears to fell down.

"Beam, can you take me away from this place? I'm hurting" beseeching my wolf to take over my body. Beam immediately take over, my bones snapped rearranging until I turned to my gray wolf leaving my ripped clothes on the ground. I hurriedly walked away from him not wanting to hear the words he will going to say more.

Running fast, I went back to Kit's home broken. Instead of going home, I went to his house. The "Skyline pack" is not as big as Tae pack. My mother who is a human was impregnated by the alpha David. Sadly, they're not mates. I have a brother who hated me so much, he couldn't accept me as his brother. How hateful he might become if he knew I am mated to an Alpha. He is jealous of me because of the attention that my father given to me.

"Tee! Your back, how's your da-", Kit didn't continue what he was saying when he noticed the sadness registered in my face and naked body.

"Kit, is Tee home?" did it go well? Your idea was brilliant, it should be" Ming continuously say bringing Kit's food out from the kitchen; "perfect" Ming muttered in a faint voice when he see my puffy eyes.

"If mated to a man is shameful then why did moon goddess pair me with a man who will not love me back?" Beam suddenly cried out.

"Beam?" Kit asked confirming that it isn't me who is in control but Beam.

"Did he reject you or just the idea?" Kit asked worriedly. Beam shook my head. Will Tae reject us after what have I done? If ever, I will fully accept his rejection and die peacefully. I left them standing there brushing the idea and went up stair without waiting for any response.

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