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*5 Years Later*

Kellin's POV

"You're getting married!?" I shouted, standing up to glare at my best friend. "What the fuck Austin, you're fucking twenty two years old! You can't possibly be ready for that kind of commitment! And to that stuffy assed crab cake? Seriously?" I exclaimed.

"Babe, calm down," Vic laughed, pulling me back onto his lap.

"No! He's too young to be making this kind of decision."

"You guys, I'm really love Eric and I wanna be with him forever." Austin said with a smile.

"That doesn't mean you have to marry him now!" I argued, Vic's arms wrapped around my waist in a vice like grip as I tried to stand up again. "It would be understandable if you were together as long as Vic and I have been but you've literally been dating for a year."

"Kells," Vic chided.

"Don't you Kells me, let's be real here," I said angrily. "Austin's only even really with Eric because he looks just like Alan."

"He does not!" Austin argued, "I'm with him because I love him."

"Really?" I leered. "So it's simply a coincidence that Eric is a ginger, who went to Yale, who's also a lawyer and he's a fuddy duddy."

"So what if they have a few things in common, doesn't mean they're the same person. I get married in three months, just be happy for me." He said just as his phone started ringing. "That's probably Eric. I gotta go, I'll talk to you guys soon."

As soon as Austin left our apartment, I stood up and looked at Vic before I started pacing. "This can't happen Vic, I can't let Austin ruin his life. He doesn't love Eric, you and I both know that. He still loves Alan," I said, talking mostly to myself.

"Maybe he really does love Eric and this is the right thing for him. He hasn't even seen Alan in five years Kells."

I rolled my eyes and gave my boyfriend a look. "Vic, he hasn't moved on, I know him better than anyone and I know that he loves Alan. And we both know Alan still loves him, he asks about Austin every single time we talk."

"I  think that you just need to stay out of this and let this work itself out. Let Austin be happy with Eric."

"But he's not!" I whined. "This is like, you and Emily all over again! He's got to see that Eric is not the person for him."

Vic groaned and shook his head. "Please don't say what I think you're about to say, Kellin."

I gave my boyfriend an evil look. "Vic, it's Operation Friendzone, part two-wedding edition."

Alan's POV

I showed up to Kellin's apartment after I had dropped off my things at my mom's. He had told me to rush over as soon as possible, I was confused but listened to him anyway. I went into the building and took the elevator up, then soon enough I was knocking on their door.

"Come on in!" Kellin shouted from somewhere in the apartment.

I smiled and walked inside, "Hey guys."

"Hey asshole," Kellin said, eating a bag of chips as Vic got up and greeted me.

"What's up? Why'd I have to come over so urgently?"

"Sit down," Vic said and smiled. "You're probably tired from the flight."

"I'm good, I fly a lot so it's nothing new."

Kellin rolled his eyes and pulled Vic next to him as I sat down nonetheless. "Yeah, you fly all the time but you can't fly to see your supposed best friends."

Operation Friendzoned (Cashby & Kellic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя