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Kellin's POV

I dug my heels into the ground as Vic started to push on my back, trying to get me into the school's library. "Viccy, don't make me go. If you're really my best friend you won't make me go."

"Kelly, you're my bestest friend ever but, you need to get tutored. Alan's cool, it's okay."

"Don't force me in there. I don't want to be stuck with a loser."

"He's probably thinking the exact same thing about you," Vic said and shoved me into the library. "Go find him you hoe. I promise it won't be that bad."


"That's my name, don't wear it out," he sang.

"Don't leave me!"

"Well, I am. I'm leaving and you get to go get tutored," he said and patted my head.


"Yes! Kellin Quinn Bostwick go in there now!" He shouted.


"Yes! Now go!"

"Vic, if you treasure our friendship and love me at all, don't make me go," I begged. "Please Viccy."

"You need this. This is for your own good."

"I'm good at physics and trig. I don't need this."

"No you're not. Now get your ass in there or I won't pick you up from here later."

"Vic!" I cried.


"I'm not god," I said and clung to him. "Viccy, please don't make me go. I can't go."

"Kellin just go!" 

I pouted. "Fine. Fine. I'll go I guess, but if he's mean to me then I'm not going to go again."

"I doubt he's gonna be mean to you. If anyone is gonna be mean, it'll be you."

"I am never mean!" I shouted.

"Bullshit." He said pushing me off him, "Now go."

I groaned and stomped away from him as he told me goodbye and went in search for the stupid nerd.

I found him sitting at table, looking through a book.

"Alan?" I asked, crossing my arms.

He looked up at me, "Kellin?"

I sighed. "That's me," I muttered. "So, I guess you're my tutor then."

"I guess I am."

I sighed, it was already ridiculously awkward. I pulled a chair out and sat down. "So. what's up?"

"I'm here to tutor you."

"Alright, so, what should we do then? Wanna go get a smoothie? I know a good smoothie place down the street. One of my fuck buddies works there, I bet I could get us some free smoothies," I said, not wanting to do any studying.

"No, we're here to study."

"That's fucking lame, I don't need to study. I need a smoothie."


"Yes?" I asked, smiling at him.

"Can we just study?"

"That's boring!" I whined.

"That's what we're supposed to be doing."

"That doesn't mean we have to."

"I'd like to do this."

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