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The wedding of Annabelle and Beau was a splendid affair.

People came from kingdoms far and wide to see the union of the now famous pair, their story already a legend told in pubs and households throughout the land.

When he'd heard of the curse the evil Georgiana had cast on his intended, young Prince Beau had vowed to follow his betrothed, break the curse, and return them both to the bosom of their homeland.

Not able to counteract the curse, the good witch Beau called upon had warned him that his quest would not be an easy one, and that there was a great chance he'd fail. Not realizing Georgiana had found out his plan and added her own special blinding curse to the good witch's spell, the brave and honorable Beau had been sure he'd be able to find Annabelle quickly and break the curse.

Luckily, although they had to live harshly for nineteen years, fate intervened and Beau was able to break the curse as promised.

Now, back with their families as if no time had passed, the young Annabelle and Beau were free to marry and live their lives as fate had intended. But it turned out Georgiana had given them a gift after all, for neither of them would ever forget the struggles they'd faced in the other world, or the fact that they'd almost been doomed to spend eternity apart, and therefore, they would never take their lives, or each other, for granted.

And, they lived Happily Ever After.

Beau and the Beastessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें