Chapter Seven - Annabelle

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Annabelle didn't get much sleep and awoke conflicted.

The tenderness she'd seen in Beau the night before, and the way she'd felt in his arms when they danced, told her he was the one.

The one who could see her for who she was, beneath The Beast.

The one who could teach her to love, and love her in return.

The one who could break the curse and send her home.

But everything was wrong...

Beau had a life here, a family. He'd miss that, miss them, and be missed in return.

Plus, he was not here of his own free will, but as a hostage. A victim. And, although she'd always been convinced it was the only way, Annabelle realized now, that love through coercion, was no love at all.

She couldn't stay here, not as Annabelle, and she couldn't ask Beau to leave... So what was the point in pursuing destiny when you knew in your heart, it was doomed?

Annabelle had come to the conclusion that if she couldn't have the fairy tale, she'd rather lose the girl and surrender to The Beast.

"Driver," she said into the phone when he picked up. "Please take the man back where you found him."

There was a pause before The Driver responded, "Yes, Madame...but, I really thought it would work this time."

Annabelle didn't respond, even though his words made her heart clench painfully in her chest. He knew what to do, they'd been down this road plenty of times before, and except for one time, all the men The Driver had brought to her, had been safely returned home when it had become they'd never break the curse.

And that one had died purely by accident.

Needing to leave the house until Beau was gone, lest she succumb to her desire to see him one last time and explain, Annabelle made another call to her stables, asking them to ready her horse.

One of her only pleasures in this land was the fact that she could still ride. Of course, she'd learned the hard way that her horse needed blinders in order to let her on his back. The first time she'd tried, without a thought to her appearance, the horse had been terrified and her arm had been broken in the poor animal's rush to get away from her beast.

As she hurried from her chambers to the first floor and toward the back door, Annabelle past Beau's room and paused. Walking lightly, she put her hand to the door and leaned her ear against the wood. She could hear him moving about inside, and the desire to open the door and go to him was strong. To say goodbye, give him a hug, maybe touch her lips lightly to his. Instead she closed her eyes and whispered, "Goodbye," then rushed out of the house and to the stables.

Her stable hands were waiting, her horse ready, and Annabelle crossed to her stead as quickly as she could without startling him. Once she was mounted, they took off at a gallop, and although she was fighting back tears, Annabelle did not look back. 

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