Chapter Thirteen - Annabelle

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The sound of her name being called filtered through the overgrown confines of her now dead garden. But Annabelle didn't stir, she was fading fast, deep within The Beast who paced through her once peaceful oasis.


The sound was getting closer, and Annabelle realized she must be at the end, because she could have sworn it was Beau's voice she heard.


"Beau, I see something over looks like... No! Don't go over there," A woman's voice pleaded.

They turned to look at the direction of the voices, and, although it was like looking through a tunnel, Annabelle could see Beau and an older woman. Beau was running around the side of the house and the woman was chasing after him.

"Beau," she tried to yell, but it came out half garbled, ending with a roar.

Beau changed direction and charged toward her.

The Beast wanted to rage, but Annabelle used all of her remaining will power to keep it in check.

"Arrr," she tried again, and it was enough to alert Beau to her position.

"Annabelle... please, don't let me be too late," he pleaded when he reached her, his hand coming out to caress her mane. "I know why you sent me away, but I can't leave you... I believe you... I feel the connection every time we touch and I think I'm from the same place and time as you. I don't know how or why, but I'm certain we're meant to be together...Now and then...and I'm certain I can break the curse and send us back. Trust me?"

She did, with all her heart, but The Beast was doing its best to beat her back. Annabelle could no longer speak, so she squeezed his hand roughly, hoping that would be enough to make him understand.

Annabelle saw the shape of him moving toward her, then the soft cool touch of his lips as they brushed against hers, whisper soft.

She was still marveling at the fact that he'd come back for her, when the world began to tilt and shift.

Swirling, twirling, like a dust storm, Annabelle kept Beau's hand clasped tightly in hers as they tumbled.

What could have been moments, or centuries later, Annabelle came to. Lying on a bed of grass, Beau's hand still in hers, she rose to sitting and looked around.

In the distance she could see it, her castle, her home, and she turned to Beau with an excited laugh.

Turning to shake him awake, Annabelle cried, "Beau, you did it, we're here."

She looked down as she moved him, the smooth pale skin of her arm catching her eye.

"Oh," she exclaimed as she stood, running her hands along as much of her body as she could reach. "I'm human again."

"Annabelle?" Beau's eyes began to flutter, and when she gazed upon him once more, Annabelle noticed he looked much younger. His hair was down to his shoulders, a burnished brown that curled slightly, and his beautiful face was full with youth.

"We did it," she said happily, dropping to her knees to help him into sitting position. "Are you okay, did you get hurt?"

Beau shook his head, a dazed expression on his face. He turned his head to and fro, then his eyes met hers, shocked.

"I can see."

Beau and the BeastessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora