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so i wrote this a while back and i'm thinking about making it into an individual story? i don't know but here it is

i hated the flight, i hated flying and i hated the trip back to the hotel. i was exhausted since the night before i went out with my friends and had more to drink than i would have liked. nonetheless, i had a good time, but being stuck on a plane with rising anxiety levels hungover wasn't the best way to start a week of paradise.

by the time i heaved everything into the apartment i was ready to collapse. it was only 10am and all i wanted to do was rest. the room wasn't the best either. it was rather filthy. the walls were supposed to be white, turned to a musty cream colour that somehow contrasted with the sticky orange tiles on the floor. there wasn't many supplies or utilities and the ones they did have needed a good clean and no way was i going to start my vacation scraping the scum off of an old toaster.

i was too lazy to add any makeup to my clearly tired face, and tied back my hair. i wasn't in the mood to look pretty. scavenging through my bikinis and swimsuits, i pulled out an all in one bathing suit that was black but covered in different fruit with a plunge down the front at my chest. it came down just above my belly button, material crossing between it. the pool seemed clean and i couldn't wait to sit by it since it was so hot outside.

i walked out with a towel over my shoulder and a key card in my hands, it was so busy outside there was no way i'd be able to find myself somewhere to sit. pushing up my sunglasses, i skimmed over the pool side to find a sun lounger. looking at the people there, i clearly looked like the odd one out since i my skin was milk. everyone looked like they had lived here for months.


i heard a raspy voice come from behind me and a lounger was put down next to me. the voice was coming from an extremely handsome man as i turned around and looked at him for the first time. a glance was not enough to soak up his structured face and big brown orbs that seemed to melt my chest. it had already been a day and the first attractive person i spoke to made my heart flutter.

"uh- thanks.."

i stammered when my cheeks flushed a light pink colour, averting my eyes to the floor whilst tucking a stray hair away. a low chuckle left his plump lips as he strayed off to the other side of the pool. i couldn't help but watch him walk away, hoping i'd be able to see him take off his shirt at least once at this resort.


later that night i didn't really want to do much. i stayed by the pool the entire day, picturing that gorgeous man's face. i'd seen a lot of pretty boys by the pool with toned stomach and muscles but non of that bothered me. i'd seen a ton of girls too that were extremely exposed in their bathing suits but that never fazed me either. and that was strange for me.

i sat on the raggedy couch in my room, looking at my phone. my cousin was looking after the house, well my dogs, and my neighbours told me that she'd been having house parties and the dogs were howling. my dogs never make a sound, they're good dogs. i panicked since i didn't want anything to happen to them. i tried my best to sort out things over the phone and arrange people to go check on my beloved pets for me. what a way to end the first day of a week in paradise, huh?

as i stood up to leave and go outside, i pulled down at my khaki green dress that came to my shin. it was 11pm and i wasn't in the mood for anything but a good swim. i dipped my bare foot into the pool and it was cold, really cold. but it relaxed me. i edged my way into the empty pool, the coldness of the water taking my breath away.

i swam around for a good few minutes before i just rested at the side with closed eyes. before i came here, i was having serious issues with my boyfriend. he was meant to be coming on this trip with me, but i found out he had been cheating a few days before and nothing really got resolved. i sighed deeply and tried to pull myself out of the pool but failed. another attempt... fail. i had no energy i was still exhausted from having no sleep.

"you do know that there's stairs to get out of the pool, right?"

the voice belonged to the same man i saw earlier, the one that gave me the place to sit. i felt slightly embarrassed because i totally forgot about the stairs, that and the fact i was in the pool in a dress at almost midnight.

"yeah, i know that... i just- just prefer to get out like this, like some people prefer to take the stairs instead of an elevator."

i rambled on and proceeded to try and lift myself out of the pool, failing another time. why did i even try again, im embarrassing myself! just take the stairs - take the stairs.


he held out his hand and i clutched onto it. his skin was soft and warm, radiating immediate heat onto mine. my hand was wrinkled and soaked in chlorine, definitely no match for his. the mystery man lifted me up and out of the pool, he was strong, i'll give him that.

"thanks again.."

i mumbled awkwardly, not wanting to meet his eyes even though i could feel his on me. holding my arm i shifted a little on the balls on my feet. even after getting in the pool it was still warm out. when i decided to look up he wasn't there anymore. disappointed, i looked around to see where he was headed and to my surprise, he rolled his shorts up a little before sitting on the edge of the smaller children's pool and put his legs in.

"wait, wait! what's your name?"

i rushed out my words a little too quick and shut myself up afterwards. i didn't want him thinking i was so desperate, but in his case i guess i was.. desperate to know more about him. i heard another raspy chuckle come from him as i shuffled closer to him, standing at his side.

"which one?"

"uh- your first one..?"

i answered a little confused, furrowing my eyebrows.

"im a drag performer, sweetheart."

he openly admitted as he patted down at his side for me to sit, which i obliged and sat besides him with my feet in the water.

"oh, that's so cool! that must be fun... oh and uh tell me both."

i responded getting a little off track, earning another soft chuckle from him.

"im roy, im also bianca. its a pleasure to meet you -"

"y/n. my names y/n, and it's a pleasure to meet you too, roy-anca."

i grinned at the new given nickname i made on the spot, he seemed to smile back at me too whilst taking my hand and giving it a firm shake. i couldn't lie and say the feeling of skin to skin contact wasn't making my skin tingle.

"so do you perform here or is this just a vacation?"

"it's both actually... i come here often for a few weeks every couple month and perform my drag act. but not all the time, which is what makes it more of a vacation."

i nodded as i listened to him.

"but what're you doing here? on your own especially."

roy looked at me as he asked the question and i couldn't just come out and say i'd been cheated on. i didn't want to make anything up either.

"i just needed to get away for a while... you know, just life and i being our problematic selves."

he nodded in agreement, laughing at my description.

"the security guard comes around soon, and neither of us want to be getting kicked out. c'mon, sweetheart."

the second calling of the nickname almost knocked the air out of my lungs. when he called me sweetheart the first time, i just thought he was being sarcastic. i looked at him and nodded since i wasn't able to get out any words. roy's hand landed on the small of my back as he helped me up the got up afterwards himself.

"it was a pleasure meeting you, miss problematic self... hopefully i'll be seeing you tomorrow."


i mumbled timidly and roy smiled, rubbing up and down my arm, that was now covered in goosebumps from the breeze, and turned away to return to his room.

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