He looks unlike any Other I've seen before

His skin is paler than most

Though still darker in complexion

His hair is white blond

Curling over his forehead and ears

The ink fire that covers his arms is less apparent

Almost faded

And his eyes

They stare straight through me

Ice cold

Freezing my blood

Watching me

As if he can see straight into my soul

He's sitting behind a desk

Working on something I'd only heard of

A computer

He stands

A good foot taller than I am

He wears all black

A long sleeved shirt


And black shoes

As he nears me

The hairs on my arms stand on end

My heart jumps in my throat

Do you know why you're here?

He asks me

I shake my head no

He smiles

And it sends cold shivers down my spine

This place, he gestures around himself

Was made to create people like me

Half human half Otherian

At first, human and Otherian genes did not mix well, the human sperm too weak to penetrate the thick outer layer of a Otherian egg

But when the roles were reversed, the human egg was no match for the Otherian sperm

The egg itself was either destroyed in the process or transformed into a severely deformed zygote that could not further develop, therefore turning into a parasite, feeding off the mothers and slowly killing them

It took me years to figure out why I was different, why I was able to be both

How my mother gave birth to me without any defects

Until one day we received a human female unlike the others

Though it was not very apparent in her physical appearance

She harbored the mutated X gene

Which consequently allowed her to conceive a child from an Otherian male

After further research

I was able to distinguish those who were mutated and those who weren't

And you my dear

Are the furthest mutated human I have ever seen

Your genes could be a road map towards a far superior species

Far more advanced than both humans and Otherians

And that, he smiled again

Is why you are here

I don't know how to respond

My fingers shaking

Everything frozen

Something clicked in my mind

And I knew

He's very close to me now

Moving towards me as he was talking

He fiddled a loose strand of hair that had fallen from my knot with thin fingers

Tracing down my neck

To my collar bone


Like I have never felt

Shoots through me

Instantly my mind screams for Kaze

Anyone familiar that could save me from


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