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My dreams are red





Angry and alone

They make me toss and turn in my bed

A pile of dirty blankets on a rough wooden frame

I see his face

His name was Byrn

Burly and aggressive

He killed Diago

Over a handful of peanuts

With each passing day

We are turning more

Into animals

And less Otherian

No matter

What I do

I still see his face

See his blood

On my hands

I wake up

Sweaty and tired

The showers are all the way across the grove

But I still go

Hot and ready to punch something

Beat anything until my knuckles are a bloody mess of bone and sinew

The showers are shared by everyone

Guards standing watch inside and out

They're always walking around

But at this time of night they get lazy

Let them fuck in secret if they want,

I heard one guard say once to his companion

The way I see it, it makes my job easier

They make me fucking sick

I enter the showers

Mildew on the ceiling

But it was fairly clean

The Cleaners always keep things sanitary at the least

No need to let disease fester and rot our bodies anymore

Than this place has rotted our souls

I didn't expect there to be anyone else in here

I froze when I saw her

She was naked

Her blue hair long and silky straight

Her skin was pale cream

Fucking beautiful

I never saw a human girl like this before

Never even thought of one this way

Her eyes find me and glue me down

For a moment

A tiny breath of a second

Fear flashes in her eyes

But it vanishes before I exhale a shaky breath

I break the stare

Turning away from her

Ignoring her

I strip down bare

And step into one of the showers

The water is ice cold

And shocks me into reality

Calming any desire I might have felt

For the first time

In a long time

When I'm finished

She's gone

But I still smell the faintest hint of cinnamon in the air

I lie back in my bed

My hair still damp

It takes a long time to go back to sleep

But when I dream

My dreams are blue

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