The Numbers Arena

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You're on the bottom of the hollowed out inside of a twenty by twenty tube, which stands upright. The walls are thick glass, and the interior of the tube is filled with a pale golden substance which appears to be a liquid. However, you can feel it surrounding you and it feels more like mist. This mist is the exact temperature of your body, and is therefore hardly even noticeable. Floating in this mist are hundreds of infinitesimal bright gold numbers, consisting of the numbers one through five.

As you start to move, you realize that the mist acts as a liquid as well--with barely any effort on your part, you are able to push off the ground and float in the golden mist. However this mist does not hinder your movements at all, nor do you have any difficulty breathing normally.

As you float through the mist, either fighting or awaiting an opponent, should you brush up against or touch one of the numbers, you would be given an electrical shock. Touching a number one would be equal to a static shock, and touching a number five would be equal to sticking your finger in an electrical socket. The numbers two, three, and four are the transition between the two extremes.

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