The Sky Arena

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Should anyone enter, they would find themselves easily several thousand feet in the air. In fact so high that they are above the clouds by about thirty feet. Despite the height, however, one would experience no shortness of breath, nor would the temperature seem exceedingly cold.

They would then be standing on what seems to be a long glass platform, twenty feet in width and forty feet in length; there are no railings, and at first glance the glass would seem frighteningly fragile.

Upon closer examination, however, one would discover that the glass has runes etched into it, and should someone be able to read these runes they would understand that the glass is magicked to be unbreakable.

Should anyone for some reason venture fifty feet away from the glass floor, in any direction, they would leave the invisible dome of magic which regulates the pressure, temperature, and oxygen levels of the arena. Should this happen, they would then be several thousand feet in the air with no protection whatsoever.

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