The Wax Arena

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In this arena, you walk upon glossy wood flooring. The temperature of the room is very cool, almost chilly.

Around the room, many statues are situated, depicting animals, nymphs, and various gods and goddesses of Ancient Greece and Rome. The room is thirty feet in length and forty feet in width, and the ceiling is fifteen feet above the floor. The ceiling is made of stained glass, multicolored, depicting various forest illustrations, inclusive even of animals and streams and certain plants, down to each minute detail. Due to the coloring, the room is filled with fractured, multicolored lighting.

Despite the beauty of the ceiling and floors, the walls are a plain, even ugly, dull yellow. This doesn't appear to be paint, however, as it is shiny and even seems soft. Upon closer examination, and touching of it, you realize that the walls are made of light wood paneling, and are covered in a thick layer of wax.

Looking around, you realize that the statues, too, are made of this wax.


For those who don't know, wax is a solid yellowish substance secreted by bees, plastic when warm and melting at about 145°F. It's variously employed in making candles, models, casts, ointments, etc., and used by bees in constructing their honeycomb.

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