The No-Zone Arena

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This arena is identical to the last; a twenty by twenty titanium pillar rising from the sea, the top of the pillar being the arena floor.

However in this arena, should you venture ten feet above the floor or five feet to either side, you would leave the gravity-field and enter the No-Zone, in which there is no gravity and you would float aimlessly as if in space. Should you for some reason venture three feet below the surface of the 'water', which is actually a holographic image, or one hundred feet above the arena floor, you would hit a portion of the giant metal bubble which surrounds the No-Zone. This metal is extremely durable, but should you manage somehow (and if this happens, I will be the judge of the action's plausibility) to break through it, you would find yourself in space, floating above the Earth. In fact, the bubble itself orbits Earth.

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