Chapter 159: King Grinwald's Decision

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He was dangerously strong.

Self assured.


Yuragh wasted no time walking forward.

"Your Highness," he said silkily, drawing the man's eyes from his writing, "forgive me for disturbing you, but I'm here to inform you th---"

The king's eyes flashed to Sinmir and he immediately bolted upright, ink pot, quill, and letter alike falling to the floor in a clatter of noise. Yuragh fell silent.

"Sinmir," the king breathed, grey eyes wide. "Oh, thank Asgrog... you've finally returned! I was so fraught with worry that I was just in the process of writing a letter to King Votrin requesting aid in a search for you!"

"I'm so sorry, father," Sinmir rasped, eyes more than a little bloodshot when he began to walk towards the throne stairs. "So much has happened... I need to talk with you. We need to talk."

The king, however, didn't wait for him to walk up; instead, he stormed down the stairs himself and met the prince halfway, pulling him into a tight embrace. They held each other for a long moment before Sinmir pulled back, looking at his uncle.

"Father, we must speak," he rasped hoarsely. "I bring grim tidings, and we must speak about them no matter the cost."

Amelia's grip tightened on Vrael's arm when concern filled the king's features.

"You're trembling," he said slowly, then paused, peering more closely at Sinmir's face; those grey eyes widened a fraction before turning angry, and he clutched his nephew's arms. "Your eyes are bloodshot... have you been crying?! Sinmir, what's happened?! Tell me at once!"

The man opened his mouth to speak, but his face screwed up and he looked away, squeezing his eyes shut. King Grinwald looked horrified when he realized that he was actually fighting back tears, and he immediately turned enraged eyes on Yuragh.

"Tell me," he said dangerously, voice radiating thunder and command. "Tell me, Yuragh, what has happened to my ward to have put him in such a state?!"

"It is terrible news indeed," the halfling growled, not raising his head from where he knelt on the ground. "While away in Aerika, Lord Sinmir discovered that the one who murdered his young wife, Aelinore, and his son, prince Theodore, was an assassin hired by King Votrin."

King Grinwald's face went bone white and Vrael flinched, cringing away from him as a wash of rage unlike anything he'd ever felt swept through his body. It radiated from the man in venomous waves that made his insides feel nauseous.

Those malevolent grey eyes turned to look at Sinmir.

"Is this true?" the king whispered. "Tell me... is this the absolute truth?"

"It is," Sinmir rasped back, then swallowed. "I still know not the identity of the assassin himself, but I know he was hired by King Osric, and I know that the Duke Strein McCarthy is involved with whatever the King is doing. I was imprisoned and almost tortured as a spy in Dynah."

"What?!" Grinwald roared, voice making Amelia cower against Vrael's side. "That... that... foul..."

"Before you go into a blind rage," Sinmir instantly said, cutting him off, "you need to know something highly important. Something happened while I was away amd it might change the future of our country."

Grinwald's nostrils flared, but he nodded.


Sinmir turned, then, and looked right at him and Amelia: Vrael felt his ears draw back involuntarily when the man's grey eyes roamed over his face before he squared his shoulders and turned back around.

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