Chapter 16: Stars

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Chapter Sixteen: Stars

Amelia was excited.

All of the clothes she'd ordered for Xaphile had finally been finished, and she was genuinely eager to do something that might brighten his mood, if only for a few moments, but upon entering her home, she noticed that he was in his usual place by the fire. 

It had become rather normal for her to see him there, truthfully, since he'd taken to sitting beside the mantle with his eyes closed or napping if he wasn't doing anything. His behavior mildly reminded her of a cat, since he seemed most comfortable lazing near warm places. 

When she gently set the parcels on her kitchen counter, his sleepy eyes flicked open and he looked at her with large, kitten-like pupils before unfolding himself from the floor.

"Shopping again?" he asked, voice coming out a little hoarse. "Want me to put anything away?"

"Actually, yes!" she exclaimed, turning around and handing him one of the packages. "This is yours! Once you open it, I want you to take the others and put them in the trunk we moved into your room day before yesterday."

"For me?" Xaphile asked, blinking at it in detached confusion. "Uh, thanks."

Lifting his clawed hand, he hesitantly took the parcel and carefully opened it up, but Amelia held her breath when he pulled out the dark fabric, held it up, and gently shook it out.

His mouth dropped open, and she grinned.

It was a spider-silk shirt, thin and cool to the touch, like a strange mixture of cotton and water... and all across the sleeves, shoulders, and hood, vines and flowers had been embroidered with shiny silver thread. She'd personally requested it made with the designs since they suited him.

Faeries were at one with nature, after all.

"Do you like it?" she asked, clasping her hands behind her back with a huge grin. "I chose quite a few different clothing styles that I thought were simple, but still flashy. Everything is designed for comfort and easy movement, and the tailor was even kind enough to design a hole in the leggings for your tail!"

"I don't know what to say," he murmured, giving her a stunned look. "Thank you."

"Well, after you put them on," she giggled, "please fold up my father's robe and set it on the counter. Now that you have clothes of your own, including undergarments, there's no need for you to wear something that doesn't fit you."

Xaphile looked down at the azure outfit resting on his lean frame and sighed.

"Thank you," he quietly repeated. "This is... more than I could have asked for."

She watched as he slinked off down the hall towards the washroom, but when he disappeared, tail flicking out of sight, she giddily returned to her duties, humming as she worked.

I did something to cheer him up, she silently cheered. He seemed in higher spirits for once!

For nearly ten minutes, she whisked around her home, alternating between grinding poultices and her chores, and she was just finishing up one of her regular customers' headache remedy when she heard him coming back into the room. She turned to ask if he could grab the empty parcel sitting on the counter across the room, but the request died on her tongue.

For nearly half a minute, all she could do was stare at him.

It was actually kind of intimidating for her to realize just how much a simple change of clothes could alter someone's appearance. Instead of looking goofy and relaxed like he had while wearing her father's old clothes, his new attire actually made him look the opposite.

Because I Love You✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें