Chapter 147: Asserting Dominance

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Chapter One Hundred and Forty Seven: Asserting Dominance

Later that night, after her arm had been healed and the hype had finally died down, Ella decided to head to the bathhouse with Amelia since her head was killing her, but Vordt, Vrael, Sinmir, Gus, and even Xaphile and Adariel decided to go with them, so things became quite hectic.

It became even more hectic once they arrived since there was only one private bath available in the building, which meant that they would be doing mixed bathing together.

It gave Ella the worst sort of anxiety and made even Amelia seem fairly withdrawn and nervous. Everyone ended up getting into the water with their towels on, but the temperature was wondrously pleasant, and it helped Ella relax.

She leaned her throbbing head back and sank down to her chin, letting lose a sigh, but her half-lidded eyes remained fixed on the large, giant mirrors stretching across the walls.

That much glass must be extraordinarily expensive, she silently mused. Beautifully crafted, too. I wonder who the smith was to have made such finery?

She didn't know, nor did she really care all that much since her head was hurting too much to bother thinking.

Closing her eyes, she decided to treat herself to a good long soak, tuning out the boys who were bathing on the other side of the long river-bath. She could hear them chatting, laughing, and conversing about things, and Sinmir's uproarious belly laughter distinctively stood out.

It was often accompanied by Vordt's deep, silky deadpan and Gus's coarse grumble.

"They seem to be enjoying themselves," Amelia suddenly sighed from her spot directly across from her; Ella cracked an eye open to see that the girl was staring at the ceiling.

"Indeed," she agreed.

"It's good to hear," Amelia said. "I'm glad that our worrisome situation hasn't shrouded their minds with unpleasant thoughts."

Ella blinked, then shrugged. "I agree with you on that, too, but the danger is still there. Perhaps it would be best not to forget that."

Amelia was silent for a moment.

"Your hair looks very nice," she suddenly said, as if she were only just now realizing how long it had gotten. "It reminds me of when you were really little, back before..."

She stopped talking abruptly.

"Before my life changed," Ella finished, then took note of Amelia's hair, which had been undone from her usual braids and now hung freely, drifting with the current. "Speaking of hair, you look much older with yours worn down like that."

Amelia straightened and touched her tresses, confused.

"I do? I have always braided my hair because it is easy to maintain during the day, but I have wondered... do you think wearing it loose looks better?"

"I like both styles," Ella said, "though the way you normally wear it might be more practical."

Across the room, the sound of the boys getting out met their ears, and Amelia glanced down, shyly adjusting her towel.

"I might wear it down for the festival tomorrow. I'm not certain yet, though."

"You should," Ella encouraged, closing her eyes. "You always were one of the best dancers whenever a festival took place in Chisago. Are you going to wear your blue festival gown?"

"I... I admit, I intended to..."

"Good," Ella said a little sleepily, listening as the air grew completely devoid of sound; the boys had presumably headed out first. "That dress looks so pretty on you when you dance."

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