Chapter 26: The Beginning Of The End

Start from the beginning

"Hey, you okay?" I smiled and nodded, him slamming the door behind me and walking over to the kitchen.

"Hungover?" I proposed, laughing at him groan in response.

"Where is Aodhan?" He always knows I come over on a Friday. He scratched the back of his neck as I waited by the door. He wasn't acting different, meaning he clearly didn't remember what happened yesterday. I was trying my best to reciprocate the non-awkward feeling, but I was struggling.

"Aodhan is currently throwing up in the toilet... I told him I'd come with you today!" He sipped some of his coffee from the mug he was holding. "I think last night was a messy one!" He chuckled to himself, putting the mug down and grabbing his car keys. Tell me about it.

"Oh no, it's fine!" I insisted. "We can go another time!" He jogged over to me, opening the door behind me. He pulled a face at my hesitation.

"I'm ready, let's go!" He ushered me out the door quickly, giving me no time to retaliate, ugh. We got down the car in silence. I was making things awkward but I couldn't help it. We climbed in the car and I pulled my seat belt over me slipping my shoes off. I loves Luke's car so much, like I have said to him and everyone many times. It was so pretty and he knew I liked it so much. I don't know how he afforded it mind but that's not something you ask someone.

"Out with it" I snapped out my gaze and looked over at him. He was staring at me intensely, trying to read my face. "What have I done?" The position I was in was suggesting I was already facing him anyways but I wasn't looking until now.

"Hmmm?" I questioned. I was blushing lightly I could feel it, predicting the conversation we were about to have in my head. I'm surprised he hadn't sussed there was something up a bit earlier to be honest, I normally never shut up.

"You've hardly said a word to me today and you won't even look at me" He put the keys in the ignition and pulled out of the kerb, turning his head and keeping focus on the road, which was so hot. What was with boys and driving that made them so attractive? I loved watching him drive, which was weird but I didn't care.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" I asked quietly. He started laughing trying to think, before shaking his head.

"No, not at all, why?" My heart sunk slightly. His lips had touched mine, it was all I could think about and he couldn't even remember. I decided against talking about his band, his supposed band. He was actually really hot; all the boys were. Everything started clicking together in my head. They dressed really, really well for teenage boys. Luke "worked in a video shop on minimum wage" paying for an apartment and a fucking white range rover. I wondered if he had an album, how well they were doing. It hurt than none of them wanted to share that part of themselves with me. I obviously wasn't that important that they felt the need to do so. Maybe if I just slowly drifted away from them, everything will go unheard. I don't want to tell them I know, I don't want them to tell me they are in a damn band. I didn't want to know what it was, I didn't want anything to change.

"Katie?!"His loud voice broke me out of my thoughts, once again.

"Mmm" I realised I hadn't heard a word he had been saying. He laughed shortly.

"Just tell me what happened, I want you to be looking at me by the time this conversation is over..." I didn't say anything "It's obviously on your mind" I coughed awkwardly.

"I think you should ask Pete" I suggested. I didn't want to tell him anything that Pete hadn't seen, and if Pete hadn't seen much then I wasn't going to tell him much. I wasn't going to unnecessarily put my foot in the mud.

"I saw Pete this morning and he didn't tell me anything" He spoke, growing irritated. I huffed. I didn't want to tell him but I would rather it stopped being awkward.

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