Chapter 15: I'm Not Him

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"I've got to go out soon" Aodhan mumbled, making my pull a face at him. I was going to go online on Playstation, but Aodhan was already online and just told me to come around. I wasn't in the greatest mood but it was only Aodhan, I didn't really need to make an try. He already had the controller ready when I got there, but what was the point if he was going out soon.

"What you got me round here for then, you idiot" I pushed my head out. He smirked playfully.

"You practically live here anyway it's weird when you're not around" I rolled my eyes. We finished the game in no time, and he got ready. I was soothed by the fact I could go back home and go back to sleep. He said something but I didn't hear him.

"Hmm..." I turned to face him, watching him frown at me.

"You're so out of it today, what's wrong?" I shook my head. If he asks me if I am okay I was going to cry.  "Luke told me to keep an eye on you because you were upset yesterday" I scoffed defensively.

"You don't need to watch me like a kid, for fucks sake" He sighed as I stood up.

"Stop getting angry when we're just trying to look out for you" He said softly, but I was having none of it.

"I don't need to be watched!" I mumbled, snubbing him.

"Why do you have a problem with that?" He asked me, I shook my head slightly as I pushed it out a little. He was just trying to be nice, but I hated people being nice to me when I was in a mood. 

"I can look after myself, I don't need anybody to care for me..." I said, shrugging my shoulders at him. He shook his head looking shocked.

"Calm down" He spoke, shaking my head. I walked out the room with him as he walked to the door. As he opened it, Luke walked in, his gaze meeting to two of us. He smirked at me quickly, before nodding at Aodhan. 

"What's the craic?" He threw his backpack on the floor, slipping his shoes off. He hit Michael like he always did, before gently squeezing my hand as he walked past, going straight to the kitchen.

"Luke, I'm off out" Aodhan shouted. Luke had a mouthful of food so he just saluted him. Aodhan chuckled, giving me a side hug before walking out and leaving. I hadn't brought my shoes with me, I just strolled back to his room, grabbing my phone off the bed. I turned everything off in his room, because I swear he loved wasting electricity. I walked out and over to the door.

"Where you going?" He shouted over the kitchen island. I smiled falsely at him.

"Home, sleep" I nodded. He motioned my over with his hand, making me bite my lip.

"Come here a second" I walked over to him. He stood drinking from a carton as I stood across the bar from him. "What's up with ye'" He stared at me, studying my face. I shook my head, pouting my lips.

"I'm just tired" I said.

"You're not tired, out with it" He urged. I scoffed softly, dropping the act straight away.

"Fuck off, Grogan" I mumbled, turning around to walk back to the door. He grabbed my hand, and I did turn to face him but I pulled my hand away. He moved his head to the side, pulling a face. He just sighed.

"Just tell me what's wrong? I just want to fix it..." He whispered, I looked at him emotionless.

"Stop acting like you know what I'm feeling" He moved his lips.

"I'm not..." He replied, if he didn't why did he keep asking me what was wrong?

"If you're not then you'll let me go to bed" He opened his mouth to say something, but thought against it. I smiled falsely at him one again quickly, turning and walking away. He simply walked faster than me and stood against the door.

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