Part 1

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Hi, i'm Tahlia Blackwood. I'm currently 18 years old. I live in my own apartment. I have long blonde hair (typical blondy) with green eyes. Just so you know a little bit about me, I dont have any relationships and I work at a cafe. I never really knew my dad he was a cop. He came and went. One day he didn't come back home. My mom is still alive but isn't "alive" she drinks Alot. She even does drugs which is why I moved out as soon as I could. On to the story!

I awoke from the alarm. Man, did I wanna throw that peice of trash out the window. I turned around to glare at my clock. I slowly got out of my covers and stood up. I stretched while keeping my eyes shut tight to keep them from being blinded by the light coming through the blinds. I turned and scratched the back of my head. My morning is simple go to the bathroom (who doesnt), get dressed, do a slight blanket of makeup on my face, and leave, I eat at the cafe. My eyes burn as I turn on the bathroom light. I sat there for a while checking up on my phone until my finger landed on an unknown number. Quickly I looked down at the message and it said "Don't run cause I will always find you. Tahlia Blackwood." I shivered from the paranoia that rushed over my body from the creepy message.

I quickly got dressed into my cafe uniform, forgetting to do my makeup. As I opened the door I was struggling to put on my shoes. After I heard the door click and lock I hurriedly sped to my car I rushed in and locked all the doors, breathing hard. I needed to calm down. "Just calm down, your being dramatic. It was probably just a prank message." I said to myself and took in a deep breath and sighed. After calming down on my way to the cafe i saw all normal things, nothing out of the ordinary which made me relax even more. The cafe was a petite place. It was small but just the right size and was the best rated cafe around. I pulled into the driveway. I was the first one there as always. Damn It! I realized I forgot the key at home and I was not about to drive all the way back. I leaned myself on the wall waiting for another employee to come, hopefully with their key to.

It had only been about 10 minutes and it was already getting creepy. The streets are empty at this time I'm always here to early. I felt my phone vibrate, I turned it on thinking it was one of my many app notifications. As soon as I saw the same unknown number I turned my phone off trying to convince myself not to look, but my curiousity got the best of me and I looked down at the dim lighted screen. It said "I see you at the cafe
Your so gorgeous in that cute little uniform."My head shot up and I looked around everywhere until I saw somethin- no someone. Standing across the street in all black. He was wearing a hat and a hood plus it was still pretty dark so all I could see was the smirk he had plastered on his face. My mind was saying run after he started to walk across the street but my feet wouldn't move. My body was in shock. I was terrified, to terrified to move anything. He was already almost to close to me and finally I ran. My mind was everywhere I couldn't think. I tried to run behind the building but before you knew it I was already tackled to the ground. He turned me around his hand covering my mouth. He had his fist in the air but before he knocked me out he chuckled to himself. Then it all went black.

(Sorry for the short chapter and long paragraphs just trying to get things started! See you in the next chapter!)

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