Part 2

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I wake up in the dark. Something im already tired of. It smelled horrid. I tried to look past the bag that was covering my vision but it was to thick. Once realizing what had happened I  struggled to try to get free from the chains locking me to a pole. The faint sound of the door opening made me freeze instantly.

"You shouldnt try to get out. It isn't worth the time." He said in a voice that gave me butterflies.

What's wrong with you?! He kidnapped you he shouldn't give you butterflies!! I scolded myself.

While internally murdering myself from those 'feelings' I felt him lift the bag from my head. He has brown hair and it's spiked at the ends he is dressed in a black hoodie, black converse shoes, and black skinny jeans. He was wearing sunglasses that are black with a hint of blue and they are kind of crooked and I laughed to myself over that thought.

"What's so funny?" He said looking down on me.

I popped back to reality and looked down saying nothing. "Ok. You dont have to talk. Here are the rules." He said."When I say something you pay attention. I dont repeat things. When I ask you to do something you do it. I don't wanna get angry." He said looking away from me now.

"That's really it. Oh! One more thing. I have an outfit for you. I dont like what your wearing."

I look up at him confused. I then look down at myself. I look up a little and catch him staring at me. He immediately looks away.

"Oh. Ugh....outfit...right." He said. I don't make a sound and wait for him to come back down.

Quietly I wiggle around a bit. Looking around the room just to find darkness the only light is coming from the window which is already tinted dark. There's some tools over on the wall next to me and some blood on the wall on the other side but not much. While looking I hear the door creak open.

"I'm Blake by the way." He says while zooming down the stairs. "I never got your name. Care to share?" He says and kneels down in front of me. He then moves the hair out of my face.

I move my face from his cold touch. "It's Tahlia." I mumble.

"Well i just want you to know,  I won't hurt you unless you make me angry. I'll try not to be to mean." He says

I nod. He unlocks my chains and pulls me up. "That's your room." He points to a metal door at the wall behind me. I notice him take the chains off there post and stuff them in his pocket. Brushing it off for now i walk over to the door and open it.

There's a bed in the upper right corner of the small room. 'It could be worse' you think to yourself. He throws the outfit at me and shuts the door a little. "You have 10 minutes to do what you need. I'll be back here and will come in if your done or not." He says and slams the door making me jump a little.

I look down at the outfit in my hands.
It's a black worn down shirt which must be Blake's cause it's way to big for me. The pants are shorts that are way to short for my liking.

I put the shorts on first slipping off my cafe skirt and putting on the shorts. I then pull off my shirt and slide on the overly sized T-shirt.

Figuring I have some time before he comes back I go sit on the bed. I pull my knees to my chest and feel the tears burning the rims of my eyes threatening to fall. One finally trickles down my cheek and soon many more creating a river on my cheeks.

I'm interrupted my Blake who walks in. I try to wipe the tears not wanting him to see me cry but I am to late when he is already in the room. "You don't need to cry I won't hurt you...yet at least." He whispers the last part to quiet for me to hear.

"Lets go up stairs. I'll give you a few minutes to clean up." He says. He walks out the door and I assume I'm supposed to follow him so I do so. He puts his hands deep into his pockets while going up the stairs and nudges the door open.

The light blinds my eyes so I stop to rub them and once I open them I see its much more colorful up here then it was in -what I assume to be- the basement. I look around the room. It's clean but there is a few wrappers and beer bottles laying around. On the couch is a man with blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

He smirks scaring me a little. "Wow. What a catch you made." He says looking me up and down making a shiver glide down my spine.

"Yeah. I know. Don't touch." Blake says seriously

"No promises."

Blake stops and opens a door. "Here do what you need." I stay quiet and shut the door behind me soon after locking it.

I hear footsteps walk over to the door. "Your just gonna let her go by herself?" The blonde man says.

"Yeah. Why not? I would know if she left. Not like she could anyway there's no windows." He said

I hurriedly do my buisness afraid of what he'll do if I take to long and open the door to see to blonde man standing right in front of me.

"Hi. I'm Josh. You are?" He says with a wide smirk on his face.

"T-Tahlia." I say.

I see Blake lean on the wall in the corner of my eye watching closely to Josh's movements.

"Wow Blake sure is lucky. What a great catch." He reaches his hand over and trys to touch my cheek. Instantly Blake comes over and pushes Josh down.

"Don't touch her! Next time I wont just push you."

Josh rubs the back of his head. He looks up and smirks again. "Ok, ok calm down big fella." He says with his hands raised

Blake roughly grabs my arm and pulls me up. " Lets go."

He pulls me down the stairs and into my room. I go to sit on my bed and he follows and ruffles his hair in frustration.

He sighs. I glance over at him and see him pacing back and forth. Is he going to hurt me? Is only one of the many thoughts going on in my head "Are you hungry?" He says surprising me.

I look away but don't answer. I hear him sigh and walk out shutting the door behind him. Minutes later my door swings open causing me to yelp and jump back. "Oh! Ugh sorry...heres a sandwich and water." I look at him and watch his hand maneuver the plate to the table.

"I know how hard this is to process, but you'll have to get used to it here." He says and walks to the doorway. "I'll give you some time." I don't reply and just look down at the bed my knees still glued to my chest. All i can think about is what hes gonna do to me. How did I end up here?! I should have called the police, not run like an idiot. I only after talking notice the tears streaming down my face. What am I gonna do........

(Hey guys it's me! Sorry for the forever wait. This is my first story on here. I hope you like it. I will work on the next part soon. Thanks again guys!!! Also give me feedback on if you think it's going alright. See you in the next one!)

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