Chapter Six: Accidental Porn

Start from the beginning

He bit his lip, trying to take his mind off of the lack of notes and tapped the little person icon at the top. He wasn't sure why he did, it wasn't like he knew what he was doing, but he supposed this was better than staring at a post without notes. His brow rose curiously upon realising he had a message in his inbox and a little flutter of hope sprang forth when it occurred to him that it was maybe someone trying to help him locate the blog. He quickly went to his inbox, as fast as his phone would load, and then looked at the message.

Anonymous said to trying-to-find-your-blog:

Try using the search function sweetheart. :)

He paused after struggling to read through it and then sat there for a few minutes staring at the wall as he thought it over. What the hell did function mean? And what did 'search' mean? Was it another word for 'find?' After a second, he copied the text and brought it into google translate, narrowing his eyes a little suspiciously at the emoji because a part of him felt like he was being trolled. But he didn't really have much else to go on either; it wasn't like anyone else had reached out to him.

Right when he went to return to Tumblr he heard them. A second later, the door swung open and the younger guys of the group rambunctiously filtered into the room. Jimin lightly hit at Kookie's shoulder, scolding him in a hushed tone while Taehyung held his face and chuckled to himself.

"You almost got us caught with Hyung!" Jimin said in a sharp tone, but his words failed to come across as serious, especially because he couldn't stop giggling between them. He softly hit at Jungkook's chest again, shaking his head.

"I didn't know he'd be right there!" Kookie said back, his tone almost sounding offended. "Besides, it was you and Tae who got us all in trouble last time."

Yoongi tensed for a long time as he waited for them to do something other than standing around right where he was sitting. He didn't realise he was holding his breath until his lungs ached in protest and then he slowly exhaled. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught movement and had to resist the urge to look that way as Jungkook made his way to sit on the couch, Taehyung a few paces behind. Figuring Jimin was following suit, and knowing that when he passed him his phone would be out of his line of sight, Yoongi went back to what he was doing. He touched the little magnifying glass and then typed some words into the search, hoping to god he might find what he was looking for.

His eyes settled both everywhere and also nowhere at once. There was too much information to take in, a bunch of little pictures and blog refs appearing as the results for his gaze to feast on. When his eyes finally did focus in on something, he could have choked.

Less than appropriate pictures had appeared but instead of doing anything to handle the situation, Yoongi ended up sitting there for a solid minute feeling like his soul was trying to escape his body. He hadn't put any particular words into the search that should have brought up porn and yet there it was, right in front of him. If he had been alone, he supposed he wouldn't be as affected as he was, but there was something about being in a room full of people and stumbling upon this that was extremely embarrassing.

"Hyung, what are you looking at~?"

If he could just slide out of the chair and lay on the floor he would. He would lay there until they all left and then probably lay there some more after. Yoongi could do it, all it took was shifting his body weight, but then he would just look even guiltier. He was fairly sure everyone was onto how weird he was acting lately and he didn't need one more thing to be tacked onto that list. If he had only waited until he was sure Jimin had passed him, this wouldn't be happening and could return to being embarrassed by himself.

The distinct sound of Jimin's giggle flooded into his ears and Yoongi was torn between the extreme need to push the younger boy away by his face and the will to ignore him and pretend he hadn't heard the confrontation. But there was just something about Jimin's tone that made him sigh. He could practically hear the stupid grin on his face and he knew that no matter what he did, this problem simply wasn't going to go away on its own.

"If I knew this is what you wanted Tumblr for, I wouldn't have said anything~"

It was then that he lost his patience. Maybe it was the further comment on the matter, maybe it was the fact that he couldn't face the embarrassment anymore or perhaps it was simply because it was Park Jimin doing the teasing. Whatever it was, it made Yoongi turn to the other boy, mustering his best bitch face, to stare at him with until Jimin's smile began to falter just a little. Jimin began to nervously giggle, making it clear to Yoongi that he knew he was irritated. Yoongi reached for his face, pushing him away while rolling his eyes.

"Go sit down, kid."

Jimin's giggles began to get louder again as he stumbled towards the others, pretending like Yoongi had pushed at him harder than he actually had, while he fell down on the couch between Kookie and Taehyung. He leaned his head on Taehyung's shoulder, his laugh becoming squeaky-like, until he could compose himself. Once he did, he sat back up and resumed conversation with the other two, all the while occasionally making eye-contact and suggestive faces at Yoongi. It took all of his willpower to restrain himself from throwing something at him and that wasn't because there wasn't much of anything to throw in the first place.

Yoongi shut down the Tumblr app, locked his phone and then stood to his feet, thankful to be out of the chair now that he was standing. Despite having turned the fan onto himself, his back felt slightly damp and it was beyond slight discomfort at this point. The coziness of the chair didn't hold up against the gross feeling of his skin sticking to things or the embarrassment of Jimin catching him accidentally looking at porn and he was sure there wasn't much more of a reason to stay in the room any longer with them. In all honestly, clearing his head was probably a better idea.

He glanced towards Jimin and stepped forwards, pushing at his head lightly again before he turned and made his way out of the room. It was way too hot out to deal with the embarrassment and teasing. As far as Yoongi was concerned, he was going to find a nice shady and cool spot in the building and then take a nap there. Someone else could worry about locating him where he slept.

He just wished he could say he was a step closer to finding the pink blog but was left, once again, at square one.

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