Chapter Six: Accidental Porn

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They were on their way to Los Angeles for their final concert in the United States and it wasn't until Yoongi got off the plane that he started feeling somewhat alright again. He began to feel slightly normal the night before but it wasn't until the morning that he had managed to completely shake the feelings of unease and sadness that had been plaguing him. He couldn't deny he was concerned about the causes, but he knew he didn't have time to put much more thought into it, nor did he have the energy. It wasn't like it mattered anyway, at the end of the day, he was still just as clueless about their origins as he had been the first time it happened and didn't particularly care to keep pondering it. Surely, it would drive him insane if he kept trying to understand and he had better things to contribute his energy to.

The manager had told them they wouldn't have time to look around and yet three of the seven members had snuck out during their short period of rest. Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung were nowhere to be found and Yoongi honestly wasn't going to complain. He had been terribly paranoid about trying to check his Tumblr with them around.

His anxiety about them finding out what he was up too was rather silly and he knew it, but for Yoongi, it was a matter of pride. His reasoning lingered somewhere between that he didn't want them to know he apparently enjoyed doing the same immature things that they did and that he didn't want to admit he had no fucking idea what he was doing most of the time. When it came to the website, he was mostly at a loss; he felt like he wasn't even exactly sure of how to find anything, forget a blog. However, Yoongi was determined to try and figure it out on his own, or at least, without their help.

After sinking into a comfy black armchair, upholstered with pleather, Yoongi grabbed his phone from the front pocket of his shorts. He scrunched his brows together, uncomfortable from the summer heat that caused his skin to grossly stick against the surface of the chair. He flicked his brown eyes around the room, looking for something to aid in his struggles against the humidity, and they landed on the only fan, which was currently facing Namjoon who was sleeping on the small sofa adjacent to him.

The managers had promised that LA would have dryer heat than New York had, not that Yoongi could pretend he wasn't used to humidity and heat back in Seoul, but they hadn't anticipated the rainfall that had made this day particularly gross. He wasn't sure how the Maknae-line could go running outside in weather like this when all he wanted to do was sit in a pool of cold water all day. This place might not have been Seoul and the temperatures might have been slightly milder than he was used to dealing with, but it didn't mean he particularly liked being hot at all and definitely didn't like the feeling of sticking to chairs.

His eyes set on the fan again that was blowing slightly cooler air on Namjoon, which made his short hair flutter around his forehead. Yoongi let out a sigh, knowing what he needed to do. Tired, and not exactly willing to put maximum effort into what he wanted, Yoongi slouched down a little and reached his foot across the floor for the base of the fan. It took some effort, which including the process of him wiggling down in his seat a tad more to reach, but he managed to slowly drag the device towards himself and then used his other foot to turn it towards his body.

Now that he felt a little better, though not really because a fan did shit-all to combat the heat, he brought his phone up to a comfortable distance from his face and tapped the app he had been itching to check. Yoongi let out a yawn as he navigated to his page, checking to see if the 'help me' post he had made gained any notes. He didn't know why he expected anything but a blank space sitting where notes should be, but his stomach fell a little upon the sight of it. He was truly backed in a corner, feeling the extreme need to find this blog but realising as more time went on that it might as well have been impossible, especially without the help of the three he didn't want to ask.

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