February 13th, 2004

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"For every birth of a child comes the death of another grown up. Good riddance. They don't understand children. They aren't imaginative. Not me. I understand children. I understand fear. I understand hatred. Though there is no reason to fear me. Or to hate me. I want to help you. I want to make you imagine more! I want to be friends... Will you be my friend?" The tall, pale, and nose-lacking man approaches me, feet crunching on the dried leaves of the forest floor. I feel my legs wobble like jelly. His huge, freaky smile turns into an annoyed frown. "I said you don't have to fear me. Why are you afraid of me?!?" His black, blank eyes glow red, and his empty mouth grows huge, yellow, shining teeth, sharp enough to bite through rock. "Stop! Stop it! Stop being scared!" One of the long tentacles, which had a jingling bell at the end, turns into mouth, snapping and squealing. He takes one long step towards me, towering over me. "Stop it! It hurts!" He swipes his lengthy arm across my body, sending me flying, and my spine making a SNAP sound against the tree I hit. Blurrily, I see his massive teeth, saliva dripping off of them, get up into my face. "There we go. No more fear." His shadowy face widens, and the teeth were the last thing I see, as they hastily chomp down on my head.

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