Kenta ~ JBJ

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Your boyfriend had left you to return to see his family. He hadn't seen them in months, but while he's been gone you've missed him insanely. His adorable smile, bright eyes and cute 'sexy' faces were just some of the things about him you missed.

The worst part though is that today when he returns, you're stuck at work until late, doing boring paperwork and falling asleep on it.

While your boyfriend had been gone, you'd skyped each other daily, today was no different, however this time you noticed his location.

He was currently sat on your sofa at home, eating his lunch, you doing the same, however stuck at work.

"You got back safe" you say, face beaming with excitement for seeing him tonight.

"Yeah, I brought you loads of stuff, food, clothes, sweets, jewelry..." He suddenly laughed awkwardly, as he trailed off to the end, you just expecting him to be nervous to see you again.

"I miss you so much, don't stay up for me though okay? I can tell you're tired from your flight, and I'm going to be here late working" you smile sadly at this thought, but looking back up to his face brightens your mood again.

"I'm-" he was about to say something when you butted in.

"Sorry my boss just called for me, lunch is over and I have a meeting to attend, bye love" you smile one last time at him before you hang up.

"Bye baby" he flashes you a cute smile as you press the end button, heading to your meeting.

You had downed your fourth cup of coffee and was on the last piece of work for the night, the time nearing 7pm, which you were aiming to leave at.

Excited to see him, you really was, but you were drained of all your energy from the long tiresome day of working. So as you finished the work, and headed home, you wondered if he had gotten an early nights sleep. You were honestly just glad it was a Friday, meaning you could catch up on all your sleep you'd lost from the previous week.

As you stepped through the door, you noticed the darkness engulfing the hall, however you could see the living room light shining brightly. You then stepped into the room, where on the couch, you saw the figure of your sleeping body.

As soon as you saw his face, your mood perked up, and you ran to him, holding onto him tightly. The sudden warmth woke him up, you suddenly stepped away feeling bad, thinking of how tired he must've been after his flight.

"Baby you're home" he mumbled as he awoke, grasping onto you, head buried in your hair.

"Heya Kenta" you grinned.

He stood, lifting you up as he still had a hold of you, carrying you to the dining room and sitting you on your usual chair.

"Wait here" he smiled at you, running to the kitchen.

You sat and waited, wondering what he was up to in the kitchen. You tried glancing, however he had shut the door so you couldn't see inside. listening to his actions, you heard the microwave and giggled slightly.

He returned to the dining room a few minutes later, with two plates of ready made meals. You burst into laughter as he placed your plate in front of you, before placing his down and sitting in his own chair opposite. Whilst you continued your laughter, he lit a candle, and took a hold of your hand.

"I missed you, I hope you enjoy the meal" he smiled, kissing your knuckle as you both tucked into your food.

"So how are your family? How was Japan" you enquired, taking a bite of your Mac & cheese.

"They're all doing well, which I was glad to see for myself. Japan was good, I really want to take you one day and have you meet my family though" he stated, smiling to himself about the thought of his family meeting you.

They knew of how much he loved you, after all, the entire time he was there he'd be texting you or on the phone to you. However, you were still terrified to meet them, you'd kept their son away from them, he only had met you by coincidence after all.

"Baby?" He shook your hand gently, snapping you back out of your brain "are you finished? Want to watch a movie together?"

You nodded smiling, he lifted you bridal style, carrying you to the sofa. You screamed at the unexpected action, causing you and Kenta to both burst out laughing.

You cuddled together, him wrapping you both in blankets as the movie began. You'd chosen a random family film, they were your favourite, and laid together watching it, him squeezing your hip and kissing your cheek throughout.

Half way through the film, you felt your eyes growing heavy, both the lull of the TV and Kenta's warmth causing you to begin to doze off. He noticed this, and began to hum a soft familiar tune to you, allowing you to completely get lost in a world of sleep.

In your dream the thought of Kenta proposing intruded, causing him to do that. The sudden event caused your eyes to burst open.

Looking down beside you, you saw Kenta sleeping like a baby, and on your ring finger, a promise ring he'd given you from Japan.

You thought back to the moment he gave you the ring, snuggling back into his warmth as you did so. He had given it you saying his family were desperate for you to get married. However you both didn't want to get married until you'd met his parents, as you both wanted them to approve of you. So instead, to prove that you were taken, he'd given you a promise ring, promising to stay by your side, and officially propose once you'd visited Japan.

Kenta soon awoke next to you, having noticed you awake.

"I know what your thinking about" he whispered "I've got us tickets, you're gonna need to pack soon."

His soothing voice helped your mind to become at ease and allow you to fall asleep, though on the morning that followed, you'd re-awake, and have an outburst realising what had been said by him while you were both in a half asleep state.

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