Chapter 1~Alex's secret

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Alex's P.O.V.

  Everyone has secrets, weird, sad, scary secrets. There's just so many type of secrets but my secret is... special. Most people's secret have something to do with a crush or something that happen to them but not my secret. My secret is different, how may you ask. Well you're about to find out.


"Harper!"I yell.

"Yea."She says.

"Do you want some popcorn?"I ask.

 "Sure."She says. I nod and go to the kitchen. I was looking for the popcorn and I finially found it, it was on top of a self. Ugh! I'm to god damn short to reach. I wish I could just reach the popcorn! Then the weirdest thing happen. The popcorn..flew off the shelf into my hands! What the hell just happen!? 

  I decided to put it to the side and just ignore it. I looked for a bowl and found on..yet again it was on top of a shelf! Why the hell is everything on top of a shelf! I get on my tippy toes and try to reach for the bowl but fail. Then the bowl floats to my hand! Okay this is just getting weird.

"Dad!"I call out.


"Something is...wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"Something stange just happen. I was reaching for the popcorn that was on top of the shelf but I couldn't reach floted into my hand. Then the same thing happen when I tried to get the bowl. I kno.."My dad cuts me off.

"It' here!"My dad gasps."Uh...can you tell Harper to leave. We need to talk."


"Just go."He says. I nod and tell Harper that she had to leave because my dad wanted to talk to me in private. 

"Okay she left. What did you want to talk about?"

 "Justin! Max! Come here."My dad calls my brothers.

"Yea."Both of my brothers say.

"It's time to tell her."My dad says.

"Tell me what?"I ask.

"She finally has them?"Max asks.

"Yea.'My dad says. I'm so confused right now.

"About time."Justin says.

"Hold up! What are you guys talking about?"I ask.

"Well when the popcorn and bowl floated towards you..that wasn't just a normal thing, of course. It happen because it was magic."My dad says.

"Magic?"I say confused.

"Yup! You're a wizard."Max says.

"Are you guys trying to prank me?"

"No, I know it sounds crazy but it's true. We never told you because we're not supposed to tell you until your powers came in, you powers just cam in late. Justin and Max already have their powers but they weren't allowed to tell you until you got your powers."My dad explained.

"This is crazy."I say.

"Show her Justin."My dad say. Justin nods and walks toward the door. He soon takes out a..wand and points it towards the door. Soon the wand starts to glow! 

"Make your troubles no more. go in through the door."Justin says."Walk through the door.'"He says.

"Okay."I say and walk through the door. I expected to run into the door but instead I walk through it! When I did I thought I was going to be on the other side of the door but instead I walked back into my living room.

"Wow! How...what!?"I say.

"I know it's a lot to take in but you'll get use to it. Now, here's your wand."He says and hands it to me. The wand was red and it had a green circle in top.

"You don't have to use the wand if you don't want to but you might want to use it since you just got your powers. Once you can control your powers, I'll show you how to do hand spells. Why don't you try to do a spell?"My dad says.

"Okay."I say.

"Justin, tell her a spell."

"Okay, point at the chair, then repeat after me. Into thin air, send this chair.'"

"Into thin air. send this chair.''I say. All of a sudden the chair is gone!"What happen!?"

"You made the chair disappeared, isn't it obvious?"Max says.

"I know that!"I roll my eyes."'s true. I'm a wizard."

*End of Flashback*

  Now you know my secret, I know it sounds crazy but it's true! The thing about it is that I can't tell anyone because if I do and the wizard council finds out...They will take my powers away forever. The only person that knows is Harper, my best friend and of course the council hasn't found out and they won't find out.

  The hardest part is to keep it a secret because I always want to try to cast new spell. At school I'm always so tempted to cast a spell. even though my dad says not to I still do. I just make sure I don't get caugh, and I'll be fine!


  Okay so there's chapter 1 of Secrets! Hope you guys liked it, also I would love to hear your thoughts about it! So don't forget to comment and vote!  Also sorry if this chapter wasn't so interesting, I'll try to make it much more interesting on chapter 2 or 3! 

~Harlenashiper xoxox

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