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Finally arriving at Ginger Heights Academy Jamie got out of the car the wind blowing her hair across her face. It was cold there sorta like walking outside of your warm house on a winter morning. She let out a long breath and saw it in the air. Grabbing her coat from the car her mom spoke to her.

"Jamie dear are you ready too be on your own? Are you sure you don't want me to get a hotel and help you get settled in?" Her Mom spoke fiddling with her fingers

"No thanks Mom you still have too go home dad can only watch Ethan for so long. By the time you get home I'd be surprised if the house isn't burned down!"

Laughing her Mom went too hug her barely keeping her tears in. "I can't believe you are starting college already, it seems like you were just holding on to my leg scared too go to kindergarten."

"I will call you every weekend Mom don't worry about me. Now go home before you don't have a home to return too"

Laughing her mom got in the car and drove off. Putting everything on a cart Jamie pushed her stuff too the dorm office to collect her schedule, school map, and dorm key.

Reaching the counter and placing her belonging next to her the receptionist spoke "Name please"

"Jamie West." Receiving her papers she read over them. Dorm room 21A second floor.

"Hey we have the same dorm room I'll can help you take your things there." "Oh by the way I'm Amanda and you must be Jamie nice too meet you"

"Yeah I'm Jamie and nice too meet you to thanks for helping me take my things to our dorm. So how long have you lived here I'm not use too the weather here yet."

"Well I've lived since the beginning of high school so four years about to be five. But yeah it will take a while too get use to the weather here but you will sure come too love Oregon."

Arriving at the dorm room Jamie could. Notice it was going too be good here. She could already tell she was going to be great friends with Amanda. By the way Amanda decorated her room she cold already tell her major was on art. Her beautiful paintings filled the room with color and life. Giving it the home type feeling she was already beginning too miss.

"Jamie what is your major in? I'm pretty sure you can tell mine is in art." She stating smiling proudly of her beautiful art.

"My major is still undetermined I'm not the best at making up my mind when it comes to life decisions."

"Well we have too change that this year don't worry I will help you discover your major and what you will spend the rest of your life doing. But first let's unpack your things."

A few hours later her side of the room was organized making her feel more at home. Grabbing her coat she went for a walk to explore the campus.

It was colder outside she could already feel the cold air burning her cheeks and her lips were beginning to shiver. Taking out her phone she saw her reflection her brown hair reached to about her shoulders and her cheeks were beginning to get a tinted color from the cold air. Her lips beginning to turn a darker shade of blue. Her eyes were a deep blue with a bit of green completing her facial features. Suddenly her phone vibrated.

Ethan: Hey. I hope you got settled in and we miss you already. I hope your first day of classes is great tomorrow. Don't miss me too much.

Jamie: No you don't miss me too much. How is it too not get my old room. Mom mentioned on the way up that you were begging too have it as soon as I got my acceptance letter.

Ethan: I so did not say that too Mom. Don't believe her. 😂 She doesn't know what she's talking about Jam.

Jamie: Even when I'm away I'm still stuck with that nickname. 🤦‍♂️ Anyways you have school tomorrow so go to bed. Goodnight Ethan

Ethan: Goodnight Jamie.

Putting her phone away she decided to get some food for the dorm and headed home.

"I see you brought us food. Nice now we will have something too eat I totally let the slip my mind I would have died of hunger"

"Amanda your eating a sandwich right now you wouldn't have starved..wait where did you even get the sandwich from?"

"Oh I got it from Wren he's went back to his dorm to get his gaming system he saw you had the new call of duty game."

"Oh yeah that was from my brother. I think he slipped it in so when Hey come to visit he has something too do. But leave it too him to forget the gaming system and only pack the controllers."

Laughing Jamie got up to answer the door after hearing a knock.

"Hey I'm Wren. You must be the owner of this video game. But I'm pretty sure your name isn't Ethan like it says in the case."

Laughing Jamie spoke "No it's my brother Ethan's game but he gave it too me and my names Jamie. I hope you brought the console because that's the only thing my brother forgot to pack."

"You bet I did not let's hook this baby up and play some call of duty. I heard classes are cancelled for the week because a big snow storm is coming. This is a great way too start the school year."

"I'm player one it's my brothers game and my controllers so sit down Wren and get ready to get your ass beat because I'm awesome at this game."

"Yeah I'm sure you can beat me they don't call me Wren the winner for nothing."

Sitting down they started a long night of video games, eating pizza and drinking hot coco tell the sun came up. While Amanda worked on her newest painting that she wouldn't let us see tell she was finished.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2017 ⏰

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