Breaking down cell by cell

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Bucky was shaking on his stool, and he would have fallen if Steve hadn't caught him. Steve pulled Bucky off the stool so he wouldn't fall and set him on the floor, sitting beside him and holding him close. Seymour hesitantly came over, though he kept his distance. Steve gave him a quick understanding smile before returning his attention to Bucky. "Bucky! Talk to me. I'm right here. Everything's ok, Bucky. It's just me and Seymour. It's Steve."

"Bucky!? Bucky, talk to me. Bucky! Talk to me. I'm right here."

"I don't want to talk to you, you Hydra filth." Bucky's brain rebelled. Everything was hazy, and he felt arms around him, holding him tight. He began to struggle against them. "Everything's ok, Bucky. It's just me and Seymour. It's Steve. Steve. Steve. Steve. Steve..."

The fog cleared a bit. Steve... "Steve?" Bucky managed, before wincing.

"Right here, Buck. Right beside you."


"I'm right here, Bucky. Right beside you. I'm not going anywhere." Bucky stopped struggling, but he was still tense. "Can you talk to me, Bucky? Can you tell me what's going on?"

"Serum...had a part where...they redid it every while...if it wore off it would...torture my would last and then get wine kind of...and the only way to stop the torture is... inject endless loop..." Bucky was shaking more now. Steve wrapped his arms around Bucky and held him tight.

"How can I help?" Seymour's hesitant but concerned voice cut in.

"I'm not really sure. Maybe a glass of water?" Seymour nodded and hurried off.

"Steve..." Bucky was struggling with consciousness.

"Bucky! Don't let go. What is it?" Concern was evident in Steve's voice. 

"Can't...hold...on..." Bucky was panting, and his eyes were closed. Seymour hurried back with a glass of water, and Steve took it, bringing it to Bucky's lips. Bucky sipped it a bit, and his eyes opened. "Seymour... sleep in my room... I won't need it... bring my back pack..." Seymour, with fear in his eyes, nodded and ran to Bucky's room, returning with the backpack in record time. Steve gave Seymour a quick smile.

"I'm going to go to bed, if that's alright. And don't worry about staying quiet, my dad used to say that it takes the hulk to wake me up." Steve chuckled a bit and thanked him before turning his attention back to Bucky.

"Why won't you need your bed anymore, Buck?" Steve was confused, and he still held Bucky close.

"I'm leaving, Steve. Don't try to save me, Hydra stripped the life from me. They knew that if I somehow escaped I would die, and they liked that." Bucky paused for breath. "I wanted to give you this before I left." Bucky dug his hand into his bag before extracting something from it and placing it in Steve's hand. Steve opened his hand and gasped. Laying in his hand was a shiny dog tag, and engraved in it was Bucky's name.

"Bucky..." Steve collapsed in sobs. "Bucky... I love you... so much... please don't leave me... stay with me... I can't ...loose you again... Bucky..." Steve looked down at the form in his arms, which was now unmoving. Steve's tears fell like rain on Bucky's body, washing away the pain and tiredness on Bucky's face. Steve gently picked up Bucky and brought him to Steve's bedroom, laying him on the bed and tucking him in, almost as if Bucky was only sleeping. Steve lay his head beside Bucky's allowing his eyes to close and tears to soak the bed.

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