The Man on The Bridge

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Bucky came up, dragging the man that had given him memories behind him. He lay the blond on the ground and went and sat a little ways away from Captain America, waiting for him to wake up.

Steve eventually started coughing up water and waking up. Steve sat up and looked around, still coughing. He wondered why he was still alive, never mind safely on a beach. He also was wondering who had saved him, and where Bucky had gone. "Probably back to Hydra," Steve muttered. Bucky cautiously looked over, but he brushed a branch, alerting Steve someone was there. Steve tensed, still aware of his near death. "Who's there? Show yourself." Steve looked around for his shield, and he noticed it had been laid right beside him. He grabbed it and stood up, ready for whatever would come through the bushes.

Bucky carefully stood up and walked into the open. Steve looked at him and immediately dropped his shield. "Why didn't you kill me?" Steve asked. "Why did you save me when you could have just let me drown and completed your mission?"

"You are the only thing that I remember. You're the man on the bridge."

"Which bridge?"

"All of them. Who are you? Who am I?"

Steve gave a small smile. "Your name is James Buchanan Barnes. Most people called you Bucky. It was a bit of a joke between you and I, but you always had a woman on your arm, it doesn't matter what. You fell off a train and I thought you had died. I was frozen on a mission soon after, and everyone thought I had died, just like you. I was found 70 years later, and I was totally disoriented. I still am pretty disoriented, but I'm getting better. I recognized you when I took of your mask last week was it?"

"I think so." Bucky was silent for a while, processing the information as Steve fell into the silence as well. "Steve Rogers." Bucky said silently. Steve looked over at Bucky questionably, and Bucky smiled, making Steve's heart beat a little faster. "That's your name, right?" Steve nodded. Bucky smiled a bit more. "The only other thing I remembered on my own is falling of the bridge before being picked up by hydra, so I'm glad that I remembered something good."

"My name is something good?"

"It reminds me of you, so yes." Steve smiled at Bucky, before he started coughing up water again.

A memory popped up in Bucky's head. It was when he had brought Steve swimming, before he had joined the army. Steve had been small back then, and he had accidentally swallowed about half of the lake they were swimming in. It was that day that Bucky realized that he loved Steve.

Bucky looked down at Steve and realized that he was barely breathing still trying to cough. Bucky quickly pulled out the first aid kit that Hydra had made him carry and learn to use. He now silently thanked them for that training as he worked on cleaning Steve's wounds. Steve had long fallen unconscious, and his breathing kept slowing.

Bucky finished on Steve's bullet wounds, his heart breaking and cursing Hydra for making him forget. He turned Steve on his side, holding him up to help the water have a better passage out. Steve eventually stopped coughing and his breathing quickened until it was at a normal rate. His eyes fluttered, and Bucky gave a small sigh of relief. "I thought I'd just lost you after just getting you back, Steve. Don't ever do that to me again." Steve laughed, breaking through the crisp air. Night had come quickly, and it was getting dark.

"I'm glad to have you back, Buck." Steve smiled, and Bucky smiled back. "Where are you staying tonight?"

"I was going to stay in the forest. I don't want to go back to Hydra, so the wild is my home now."

"Are you sure, Bucky? Hydra will come looking for you, they're probably looking for you already. No-where's safe for you, Bucky. Please, at least stay at someone's house for tonight. We can work on it more tomorrow, but I'd feel better if I knew you were safe somewhere."

"Steve, you're contradicting yourself. You just said that no-where's safe for me. Let me stay where I won't bother anybody."

"Bucky, please! I just got you back, and I really don't want to lose you. I'll do literally anything to convince you. Please, I don't care who you stay with, as long as it is one of the Avengers."

"I... I don't really trust anyone. Hydra has destroyed my trust. The Avengers were all sent to kill me, how do I know they won't kill me in my sleep?"

"You could stay with me, Bucky."

"How do you trust that I won't go back to my Hydra mind and kill you in your sleep, even if I don't want to?"

"I'm willing to take that risk, Bucky. But please, stay with me tonight."

"Fine." Steve smiled and stood up, offering a hand to Bucky. "I can stand up on my own." Bucky grumbled, causing Steve to laugh.

"Come on, Buck. Let's go home and get supper." Bucky nodded and followed Steve back to Steve's apartment. Steve made soup, and Bucky was silent the entire time. "You alright, Buck? You're very quiet."

"I'm fine. Just a little tired." Bucky mumbled, head down.

"Overwhelmed too?" Steve smiled as Bucky's head snapped up.

"How'd you know?"

Steve smiled. "I know you better than you think, Bucky. So while others may think you have no emotions, I can read through that." Bucky gave a small smile that was interrupted by a yawn. Steve chuckled. "Come on, Buck. Let's get you to bed." Bucky followed Steve to the spare room.

"Good night, Bucky. I'll be in the next room if you need anything."

"Good night." Steve turned to leave. "Steve?"

"Yes Bucky?"

"... Thank you."

"You're welcome, Bucky. Anything for you." Bucky shifted slightly. "I know you're wondering why, Bucky. You can't hide from me." Bucky looked a little frustrated, but he stayed silent. "It's anything for you, Bucky, because I'm with you to the end of the line. I always have been, and I always will be." Bucky fell asleep with a smile on his face soon after, Steve watching him to make sure he was ok.

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