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A few days later they were sent to stop the helicarriers. Sam Wilson did the first one and Steve did the second. Together they raced for the third, Sam bringing them onto their landing. The Winter Soldier was there to meet them, throwing Steve out of the way and ripping off one of Sam's wings.

"How's it going, boys?" Natasha's voice came over the communication devices on them.

"Not very well. I'm grounded, I don't know about Steve."

"I'm still on the helicarrier, I'm good." Steve climbed back onto the craft from where he had been hanging, racing towards the control room. Bucky was there to meet him, blocking his way. "Don't make me do this, Bucky. I don't want to do this." The Winter Soldier didn't move and Steve threw his shield at him. It hit the Winter Soldier and bounced back, and Steve ran past and took out a chip. As he was reaching to put their chip in, Bucky shot at him, the hit going right threw him and taking the energy out of him.

Steve stretched out, inserting the chip and collapsing. Bucky was there, and Steve stood up. Bucky looked like he was going to fight and Steve dropped his shield. "I'm not going to fight you, Buck. You're my friend."

"Don't call me that!" The Winter Soldier punched Steve, knocking him to the ground. He kept punching Steve as the holo-carriers continued firing at each other.

"I'm with you to the end of the line, Bucky." Steve mumbled. The Winter Soldier lifted his arm to punch Steve, but froze. That sentence echoed around his head, pulling out memories. He remembered saying that to a man that looked like Captain America, and that man saying it back to him. Bucky looked down and saw that Steve had fallen through the glass. Bucky stared after him, confused by his own thoughts. He wasn't supposed to feel anything, he wasn't supposed to be anything.

The floor gave out underneath the Winter Soldier and he dove into the water below, searching for the only thing he remembered.

If he was alive [SPOILERS]Where stories live. Discover now