The chase

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Bucky turned and ran, not looking back again. Steve tried to stand, but at the last second he remembers his broken leg and reached for his phone instead. He quickly dialled Natasha's number, knowing she was the best at pulling people out from hiding. "Natasha, I need a favour done."


"I need you to find Bucky. He's lost."

"Sure. Can I kill him when I find him?"

"NO! I need... never mind." Steve hung up, purposely not telling Natasha where he thought Bucky might go. He instead dialled Sam.

"Sam, I need help ASAP."

"Sure. Is it about Bucky?"

"Yeah. He bolted. I tried to get Natasha's help, but she asked if she could kill him instead. I need you to find him and bring him here before Natasha gets to him."

"Roger. I'm on my way out now. Don't worry, I'll find him before Natasha. Any clues?"

"I have no idea for certain, but I have a feeling he might have gone to Brooklyn. Try there and track the path in between."

"Got it. I'm off!" Sam cut off the connection, and Steve sighed. So Bucky loved him too. He had always been suspicious about it, but now it was confirmed. And now Bucky had bolted. Great. Steve lay down on his bed, hoping that Sam would win the race. Two weeks later, though, Bucky still hadn't been found. Damn it, Steve thought. Why is Bucky so good at hiding? His leg had mostly healed and so had the rest of him, but he thought Sam would have a better chance at finding Bucky.

At that moment, Sam had caught a glimpse of a metal arm in a pile of blankets. He quickly flew over and pulled off the blanket. Bucky rolled over and stood up, fear on his face. He backed away quickly, then turned to face Sam. "Go ahead, shoot me. I know that's what Steve sent you to do." Sam looked incredulous, but he just grabbed Bucky and started the flight home at full speed.

On the way, Sam radioed Steve with his private connection to Steve through his suit. "Hey, found him. He's alive, but not well physically or mentally. I doubt he's been eating, and he thinks you want to kill him. Almost there, bring your shield in case of Natasha. I just saw her in the area." Steve gave a quick thank you and cut the signal. He grabbed his shield and ran outside, spotting Sam flying in almost immediately. He could see Bucky hanging underneath Sam, not resisting, a dead look on his face. They landed, and Bucky just stood where Sam put him, staring at Steve. Steve began to run at Bucky, but he spotted Natasha to his left.

Bucky was in his own world. Why did I ever come out of cyrofreeze? he was wondering. Steve had said he wanted me back, but I've gone and ruined everything and now he hates me. Bucky came back into focus and registered Steve's petrified look. "I won't hurt you, Steve. I promise." Bucky called to him, but Steve just became more petrified, still running towards Bucky. He was slowed down by his still hurt leg, but that didn't stop him. Then Bucky's brain registered Natasha's voice and his head whipped around.

"Finally, I can kill him like Tony asked me to."

Steve realized that he wouldn't get to Bucky in time and he threw his shield at Bucky. Bucky caught it with a surprised look but realized that it was to protect himself and held it up against Natasha's gun pointed at him. "Why does Tony want to kill Bucky? Bucky did nothing wrong." Steve called in a strained voice, but there was anger as well.

"We all know The Winter Soldier killed Tony's parents." Bucky's eyes widened, and he dropped the shield. Natasha noticed this and took her shot. Steve had been expecting this and he leaped in front of Bucky just in time, taking the bullet in his injured leg. Bucky caught him, still in shock.

"Back off, Natasha." Steve spat, as Bucky supported him. "This isn't the Winter Soldier, this is Bucky. I will defend him with my life, over and over again, as many times as I have to. And I don't think you want to kill me, so I suggest you stop trying. My house can't be entered other than facial recognition, and you can't hack it. Trust me, JARVIS tried." Natasha fired again, and Steve moved to take it again.

"Steve, stop!" Bucky sounded horrified.

"Never." Steve grit out through the pain. Natasha fired again, which Steve took again. Next time, though, she cursed under her breath.

"I'm out of bullets." Sam quickly swooped in and pinned her to the ground. "Get bird-brain off me!"

Steve thought for a minute. Natasha may be cold-hearted, but she never broke her promise. "Promise to never hurt Bucky or me or any of my friends again, and I'll tell Sam to get off you."

"Never, Rogers."

"Then Sam will never get off you." Natasha tried to get out from under Sam's grasp, but she was rewarded by a hit to the head from Sam's wing. She cursed under her breath, then sighed.

"Fine, dinosaur. I won't hurt any of your friends or you ever again, and you know that I keep my promises." Sam looked at Steve, who nodded. Steve flew to Steve and Bucky's sides as Natasha scrambled up and hurried away.

"Smart thinking for a dinosaur," Sam said, snickering.

"Shut up," Steve mumbled under his breath before allowing Bucky and Sam to help him to his house.

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