Bucky's Birthda...y

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On his birthday, Sam came to pick up Bucky and brought him to the tower. Bucky was nervous and sad, as Steve still hadn't shown himself. This would be the first birthday that Steve wouldn't be with him ever when he was in his right mind. The army would always let him go home for his birthday, and Bucky would always spend it with Steve.

Once they got there, Sam stayed close to Bucky, providing effectively a protection if Bucky needed it. There was cake and pizza, and everyone had brought a present. One by one they came to talk to Bucky, all congratulating him. Even Natasha and Tony came over, though it was clear their congratulations were forced. Bucky's hair, which he had been growing out, fell across his face, hiding it. Bucky took a moment to notice everyone who was there. Wanda, Peter, Tony, Natasha, Vision, Clint, and of course Sam. Everybody except Ste- "No!" Bucky cut himself off quickly. "Today is supposed to be happy."

Wanda soon brought over the cake and plates. "Make a wish," she sad, smiling at Bucky.

"Oh, we all know what he's going to wish for. For his prince to come back and ask for Rapunzel to let her brown locks down." Bucky just looked down, his hair covering his face.

"Natasha! I thought we called truce." Sam glared at Natasha.

"You said no killing. You never said anything about anything verbal." Sam glared at Natasha, but didn't say anything. Bucky took a deep breath and blowing out his candles. One remained, and Clint came over and gave him a side-hug. That's one date this year, Bucky!" Bucky looked up at everyone, the first smile anyone had seen on his face.

"Thank you, everyone, for your support. I really appreciate it. I just wish..." Bucky trailed off, but he didn't need to finish his sentence.

"We all do, Bucky. Trust me." Sam walked forward and joined Clint in hugging Bucky. They all stayed silent for a moment, before Bucky started being handed gifts. Tony got him a coupon to the supermarket, Clint made him a frame from four of his arrows. Inside he had put a picture of him and Steve together. Bucky had no idea where he had gotten the photo, but he hugged it to his chest anyway. Everybody had given something different. Natasha handed over her present last; a slip of paper.

"I didn't know what to get you, so I made a coupon. One wish, whatever is in my power."

"I...don't know. ... I know! Steve... he's done so much for me. If... if he ever comes back... I want to do something for him. Could... could you help me with that?"

"If I can, that was my promise. What is it?"

"He needs a new phone. His old one is cracked, and it only works sometimes. If he comes back, would help me get him a new phone?"

Natasha nodded. "What money do you have?"

"Um... none." Natasha nodded. She dug into her wallet and pulled out a wad of money which she handed over to Bucky. "What?"

"This will be enough for you to get Steve a phone. If he doesn't come back, you keep it. Use it for whatever you want. You will probably need it to survive, as Steve probably won't come back. We found his sh-"

"Natasha!" Clint and Sam cut in at the same time. They glared at her, but the damage had been done.

"You found his shield!? And you didn't tell me!?" All the Avengers except Natasha looked away. Even Tony Stark mumbled a small apology. 

"Yes. It was washed up on the shore of the waterway that connected to near where Steve was going. No sign of Steve." Bucky looked down, hair covering his face. Everybody fell silent unsure of what to do as Bucky's metal fist clenched and unclenched over and over again. Natasha pulled out a knife, but Sam signaled for her to lower it. JARVIS broke the connection over the intercom.

"A person wearing all blue has collapsed at the door. He is covered in blood and therefor unrecognizable."

"Thank you JARVIS. We will send some people down..." Tony looked over just in time to see Bucky push Sam and Clint out of the way and sprint for the elevator. Sam recovered first and sent a silent message to Clint before racing out after Bucky. "Actually, we have a team going and the rest of us will follow."

"In a bit." Clint filled in, glaring at Tony when he started to protest.

Meanwhile, Bucky had raced to the elevator and had frantically pushed the button, cursing when the elevator was slow. Sam followed him and caught up with him before the elevator arrived. "Damn you, elevator," Bucky said as soon as they got in. "Hurry up." The elevator slowly started it's decent. Bucky prepared to punch the elevator, but Sam stopped him.

"That won't help the speed, Bucky." Bucky nodded and started pacing around.

"Dressed in blue and bloody, that's got to be Steve. He got himself into another fight too big for him again, and I wasn't there to help him out. Damn you, elevator, speed up!"

The elevator finally reached ground level and Bucky almost broke the door in his hurry to get out of it, Sam restraining him just in time. Bucky could now see the lump of blue that he thought was Steve and he doubled his speed to get to him.

Bucky reached the form and knelt beside it. He gently turned over the limp form, tears coming to his eyes when it was indeed Steve. Steve was out cold, covered in cuts and bruises. He had a nasty cut in his head, and it was filled with dirt. Bucky gathered Steve to his chest, cradling him and crying. Sam came up behind him, resting a comforting hand on his back. Just then Bucky felt a faint heartbeat in Steve's chest, and Bucky could have leaped for joy. He looked at Sam. "Can you get us home?" Sam looked at Bucky suspiciously, but he nodded at Bucky's pleading look. Sam quickly pulled on his falcon suit and opened his wings. He gently picked up Steve, and Bucky nodded and ran beneath him as Sam flew Steve to Steve's house.

Sam landed and handed Bucky Steve. Bucky thanked Sam quickly before bringing Steve into the house. Steve still hadn't woken up, but he was breathing. Bucky quickly took off the top portion of Steve's suit, cleaning the wounds as he went. He finally got to the cut on Steve's head, clearing the hair out of the way. He gently cleaned the cut, cradling his love's head. He heard Tony's voice, and then Sam's. Bucky heard the sound of Tony's car leaving, and he silently thanked Sam. Bucky looked down at Steve, who stirred. Sam came in, his wings folded. "They're gone," he reported. Bucky smiled his thanks.

"Bucky..." Steve whispered, his voice hoarse and scratchy. Bucky's head moved so fast that Sam was surprised that it didn't come off. "Bucky." Steve whispered again. It seemed he registered where he was a bit, because he began struggling feebly.

"I'm right here, Steve. Steve! Steve, calm down. You're safe. I'm right here. You have a broken leg, but with your serum and if you rest, it will be ok." Steve relaxed, and he slowly opened his eyes. When he saw Bucky, he smiled.

"So you're saying I can't walk, but I'm ok?" Bucky chuckled and nodded. "But you'll stay with me, right?" Bucky nodded again. "Ok, then I'm good." Steve smiled and drifted to sleep in Bucky's arms. Bucky smiled and picked Steve up, laying him gently on the bed.

Bucky gently ran his hand through Steve's hair, something he had longed to do for ages. "I love you, Steve. I'm glad you're safe." He mumbled, not really thinking. Steve's eyes cracked open.

"Really?" Bucky's facial expression went from surprised to terrified in about a millisecond. Sam, who had heard everything and guessed things weren't going good, left quickly to give the two space. Steve stared at Bucky, who slowly began backing away. A look of terror rested in his eyes as he turned to run. "Bucky! Come back!" Steve called, panic in his voice. Bucky turned once, looking at Steve. In a second Steve registered Bucky's unusual fear, for Bucky was fearless, and fear filled his own heart. 

Author's note

For all of those curious readers who are wondering, I did name the title that way for a reason. If you count the letters of birthday, not including the 'Y', there are 7 characters. Seven people were at Bucky's birthday, not including him. The 'Y' represents Steve, and how he was gone, and then they were together, and now they're separated again. This signifies that Bucky and Steve are barely connected in this chapter. Therefor, the title, translated and de-coded, means Bucky's party was missing Steve.

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