38. Fluff?!

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Troye wakes up to someone softly tracing the outline of his face in his sleep.  He smiles knowing who that someone could be. With his eyes still closed, he shuffles closer to that person so now he's face is tucked under the man's neck, earning a light chuckle from them.

"Well, good morning to you too." Grayson chuckles while holding the Blue eyed boy gently.

"Mhm. Good morning Gray." Troye mumbles sleepily.

Grayson smiles down at him fondly.

"Um, Troye?" Grayson hesitantly asks after a moment of silence.

"Yeah?" Troye lifts his face up to look at his lover properly with sleepy eyes.

"Do you regret anything we did last night?" Grayson asks now looking at Troye's chocolate brown curls instead of his eyes. He doesn't know what he'd do if Troye regrets last night. The night they made love.

"I mean...I know it was a bit rushed. Like we just met yesterday then had our first date last night and then we mated. I understand if you regr-" Grayson is cut off by a soft kiss on his lips. He relaxes when he feels Troye smiling into the kiss.

"You're too cute for your own good, you know that?" Troye asks fondly one he pulls away leaving Grayson all flushed. "But no I don't regret a single second of it." Troye says sincerely.

"Okay." Grayson whispers before kissing his lover's forehead.

"And one more thing." Troye fake glares at Grayson. "We didn't mate, we made love okay? I know I am a cliché shit. Thank you very much." The Blue eyed lad huffs dramatically.

"Okay, okay. I got it. Now if you allow me, I'd like to take my one day old boyfriend on a breakfast date."

"Mhm, you have my permission." Troye says in a serious voice but soon giggles when he sees Grayson rolling his eyes.

"But Gray, we gotta get back soon. We still need to make that potion. We'll need it tomorrow night."

Grayson nods.


"Ethan you pig, come here!!! You stole my baby carrots again!!!" Louis yells while chasing Ethan around their dorm room.

"But baby, what's yours is mine nah? You know how much I love the baby carrots."  Ethan says while he dodges the pillow Louis threw towards him.

"But they were mine! I just go out for an hour and you eat all my carrots. That's cruel!" Louis yells while throwing another pillow towards him.

Ethan seriously wants to roll his eyes because who the fuck gets this sentimental over carrots? But then again,it's Louis. His baby. And everything about him is special.

And now Ethan wants to roll his eyes at himself because when in the hell he has become so smitten?

"Are you even listening to me?" Louis raises an eyebrow and it's now Ethan realize s that he has stopped throwing pillows and yelling at him.

"Yeah. Um..." Louis raises another eyebrow when Ethan stutters.

"Um, I was thinking that we should go on a date after you know, the Blue Moon." Ethan half lies because yeah, he has been thinking about it for a while. To take Louis on a proper date. Like he deserves.

"Uh...um.." This time it's Louis who blush like a tomato.

"Awie, you look a carrot. Well tomato but carrot is more cute and you know how much I love carrots." Ethan laughs at his own words making Louis blush more.

"I love carrots too." Louis wanted to say it like a warning but the words come out as shy.

"I bet..." Ethan makes his way towards Louis who is standing on the other side of the room. "...no carrot is better and cute than my personal one. My Loueeh Carrot." He says as he cups a side of his face.

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