Chapter 28

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Hey guys, it's captainserious19 writing for tonight. I hope you guys like me as a guest writer :) Enjoy!

*Laura's POV*

My phone buzzes with a new text as Ally and I walk into another store. I told her about my date with Marc-Andre and she instantly asked if I wanted to go shopping. The other girls were giving me dirty looks when they saw me talking to her, but I just shrugged them off and told her I'd love to. I look down at my phone.

To: Laura

From: Marc-Andre

Can I pick you up at 7 pm?

I turn to Ally. "Hey Ally, let's take a picture to send back to Marc-Andre." We stick out our tongues and make funny faces, cracking up when we see the result. I send back the picture, with a message that says "See you then," and a winky face. We walk around the store pulling dresses from the racks and then I go into the fitting rooms to change.

Ally laughs at the pale green dress I try on, the edge riding up when I bend over and exposing my whole butt. I can't believe anyone would actually want to wear it and I quickly get rid of it. I come back out in a flowy knee length blue dress, but I shake my head when I see myself in the mirror. Ally likes it, but to me something is off. It's just not the perfect dress yet. Then, I slip on the floor length black one.It's got delicate lace edging the princess neckline. The bottom of the dress delicate kisses the ground and when I twirl, it lifts off ever so slightly.

I walk out and Ally gasps, "Oh, Laura, that's the one. It's perfect." I look at myself in the mirror. I feel beautiful, something I haven't felt since I was with Jonathan. My heart pangs at the thought of him, but I push him out of my mind. There's no time for that now. I've got a date with Marc-Andre.

When I get home, I quickly run into the shower and crank it up as hot as I can, the hot steam feeling refreshing after our shopping trip. I let my hair dry as I paint my nails, the red reminding me of the Hawks. Everything is a reminder, no matter how hard I try to push them from my mind. Once they're dry, I curl my hair, pinning the delicate curls up so that they frame my face. I apply a little bit of makeup, curling my lashes and making them jet black with my favorite mascara. As a finishing touch I slip on the tiny diamond earrings from my mom and the statement diamond necklace. I slip on my black Jimmy Choos and grab my clutch, then check my phone. 7:55 it says. I quickly grab my jacket and hurry down to the elevator. When the doors open I see Marc-Andre.

*Marc-Andre's POV*

I pace nervously around the lobby, waiting for Laura. The doorman starts giving me weird looks so I move over to the corner and stand there, the red roses in my hand quivering from my nervousness. My heart jumps as the elevator dings and the doors open. Laura steps out and I'm breathless. She walks over to me. "Hey," I say, as I hand her the flowers, her face lighting up as she takes them. "These are beautiful," she says.

We walk out to my car where I open the door for her. I get in on the other side, then turn on the engine. "Hey Marc-Andre," she says, before I pull away. "Yeah?" I say, turning to her. She kisses me, a spark forming when our lips touch and fireworks going off in my head. "I think I like you," she says, with a little laugh. I smile back at her. "I think I like you, too," I say before kissing her back.

*Nicole's POV*

I walk into our apartment and all the lights are all dimmed. All day, I've felt like absolute crap. It's my birthday and Patrick hasn't mentioned anything about it. As I look over, I see there's a balloon by the door and it says follow the trail. I set my bags down and start following the trail of pictures of me and Patrick. There's one from when we first started dating, one from practice, one from when he won the cup. When I get to the den, he's waiting there, a table set up with dinner, and candles lit. There's a bouquet of roses and music playing in the background.

"Hi" he says, giving me one of his little grins. "Ohmygosh, Patrick, this is-" I'm speechless. "This is beautiful." "Happy Birthday, beautiful," he comes over and kisses me. The music switches over to "All of me," by John Legend, and he takes my hands wrapping them around his neck, and wrapping his around my waist. I lie my head against his chest as we slow dance around the room.

Cause all of me

Loves all of you

All your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections

Give your all to me

I'll give my all to you

You're my end and my beginning

Even when I lose, I'm winning

"You didn't forget," I whisper. "I would never forget," he whispers back, kissing my head.

Kami's POV

I bring in the mail and shuffle through it, taking out my magazines and bills before bringing it to Corey. He's in the living room playing some hockey video game. "You can't stop me now," he yells into his headset. "Who are you yelling at," I say laughing. "Kaner," he says, giving me a quick kiss and laughing, too. "He thinks he's going to beat me." "Well, I'm rooting for you," I say, before snatching the headset from him. "You're going down Kaner," I yell right as Corey scores the overtime goal, securing the victory for his team. "WOOOOO!" I yell as I hear Kaner say, "Aw mannn." "Victory is oursssss," I say hugging Corey. I point to the mail, "You want to open up your mail, Mr. Champion." He laughs at my new nickname for him, "Sure, but I'm sure there's nothing too exciting."

He opens all the bills and some fan mail, then gets to the unmarked envelope. "What's this?" he says. I shrug, trying to look nonchalant. He examines the outside of the envelope, then carefully opens it and pulls out the card inside. It takes a moment for his eyes to register what it says, and he looks up at me right after. "Are you serious?" he says, already shaking with excitement. I nod, and he hugs me, squeezing me tight. "Kami that's amazing!" He looks at the note and reads it again, this time outloud. "Hi Dad."

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