Chapter 7

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Corey's POV

I wake up and open my eyes. I notice Kami laying right next to me. It's a good feeling. I smile. I get out of bed and lean over and give her a kiss. I see her smile, then i smile. Shes turns over and goes to sleep again. I walk into the kitchen and make us breakfast but im not going to wake Kami up i will let her wake up on her own. Around 10 mins later I hear footsteps. It's Kami. I notice she's wearing one of my warm up shirts and i smile. "Hi babe, why are you smiling like that?" she asked while trying not to laugh. "Hey and your wearing my warm up shirt" I say while she blushes.

Brandon's POV

I text Nicole and ask her if she wants to hang out. I text her and she replies "Yes I will be over in a little bit". A couple minutes later I hear a knock on the door. It was Nicole. I open the door and say "Hi". "Hey" she replies back. I move my hand in a motion to invite her to sit on the couch. "So how are you and Kane doing?" I ask just to stop the silence. "Were doing good...." I stop her saying that and I kiss her. I dont like them dating, I just dont think they fit with each other. She kisses back. "It's time to go" she says running out of my house.

Nicole's POV

That was a very interesting visit to saad's house. There is no way I can keep this from Pat. I just hope he's not mad. I grab my phone and go to call him. I click on his contact and call him. "I need to talk to you" I said getting nervous. "Ok meet at my place" "Ok on my way, bye" I said as I hung up. I just feel bad for Saad because he's gonna get alot of shit from Kaner for kissing me. I arive at his house about 10 minutes later. I go up to his door very nervous about what he's gonna think and then I knock on his door and then just go in. I yelled "Hey Babe". "Hey" he replied with a smile then came up to me and kissed my nose. "So what did you have to tell me?" he asked. "Well I went to Brandon's house because he asked me if I wanted to comeover.." I say pausing "Well we were talking about me and you then I think he got jealous and then kissed me. As soon as he kissed me I left" I said then looking at his face he looked pissed off. "Are you mad at me?" I asked questioning him. "No honey i'm not mad at you I'm mad at saad. He is going to pay for this" he said still looking like he wants to kill someone. He says he's gonna go in the room and told me to stay here for a bit.

Patricks POV

I'm so pissed off right now, I feel like killing saad. The other day we were just talking about how he liked her and i said thats fine as long as you dont touch her and he obviously doesn't listen to me or i wouldn't have to call him about it. I dial his phone number and it rings for a second then he answers "Hey pat, whats up" "Oh nothing i just heard that you kissed Nicole" I say in a very pissed tone. "Dude im sorry i just had to i couldn't resist" he replied. "I dont want an apology I want to know why the fuck you keep doing this to me, i'm done talking with you until practice tomorrow, bye!" I say as i hang up. "Hey Nicole can you go, I just need some time alone" I ask her nicley. "Ya sure I will go to Toews for a bit so if you need me I will be there.

Kami's POV


I went to bed with crow right by my side cuddling with me. I then fall asleep in his arms. Then I wake up and then notice that crow is not there. I quickly jump out of bed and search all around the apartment. I can't find him, I now start to yell "CROW" while im starting to shed a tear. After I yell that then I see a black figure in the bathroom and it was not crow. I then see crow being held up against the wall by the black figure. I can't make out who it was but then I scream. Then the black figure notices me and points something at me and then i notice it's a gun. While he points the gun at me and Corey gets loose and jumps up and then the black figure shoots it. Crow blocked the bullet. All I see is blood on the floor. Then I lay down on the floor next to crow and start crying. Then the black figure just disapears into the darkness.

I screamed and then started hyperventilating. Crow gets up really quickly and hugs me tight and says 'What's wrong" he looked worried. "Nothing it was just a dream" I say still continueing to cry as crow grabs me and holds me tight and says "Everything is ok, I'm here to protect you" he said as he starts to comfort me.

Corey POV

After me trying to comfort her she fell asleep in my arms. I then lay back and she lays on my stomach. I kiss her on the forehead and she kisses me back. I then soon start to fall asleep.


Corey POV

I wake up and Kami is still sleeping. I then get up out of bed and felt like I should do something nice for Kami. So I then call a really fancy Steak House about 20 mins away from the apartmant building walking distance. I make reservations for 8PM. We have practice really early in the morning. I noticed that she hasnt been throwing up as much I don't think she is pregnant. Im kinda glad about that because I know we only met like 2 months ago but i felt like I have known her for forever. So I got into her closet where I keep my clothes now because I decided to stay with her for a month or so. Then I get on my suit. It's around 6;30 PM and I go wake up kami. She looks shocked to see me in a suit. I mean who wouldnt I rarely weat a suit. "Hi Kami" I say. "Hi, where are we going?" "Were going to a steak house. I made reservations for 8PM so start getting ready.

Kami POV

How nice of Corey to make reservations for dinner. I knew he could tell I havn't been doing well latley. So I then go into my closet and pick out this really pretty black dress. It's my favorite because Crow picked it out for me. It had some lace detailing on it and it was a bit short but I still liked it. So then I went into the bathroom to get ready. I plug my Iphone into my IHome. Then I put shuffle on and the first song that came on was Flawless by Beyonce. During that song I got my dress on and then finished my makeup. Then I started Curling my hair and one of my favorite songs came on it was The a Team by Ed Sheeran. 15 mins have now passed by and I had my hair curled and I was completley ready.I walk out of the bathroom and grab my heels. Then Crow says "You ready... WOW" he said and I started blushing. Then he says "Looking sexy". I reply with "Thanks" while giggling. He came up to me and pushed me up against the door lightly and then kissed my neck and then we started making out. Then we stopped about 5 mins later and then we went to go leave. "Let me go get my phone and purse" I say while going back to my room and thinking out to myself I say "I really love Corey". I walk back out by him. We were walking down the street nobody noticed it was him that was a good thing because we werent going to make our reservations if we don't hurry. I got whistled at a few time by different guys it ws flattering but Corey wasn't to fond of that. He then asks me "Can I be honest with you?" "Of course you can" i told him. "I just wanted to let you know your like the world to me and I would die if something happened to you or us". I interupt him by saying "Nothing will happen and I love you".

We then reached the resturant we go in side and they ask "Crawford for 2 right?" "Yes" "Go follow him he will lead you to your table it's in the back specially for you". We start walking back to our table and I notice something about the waiter he looked alot like Sid. The waiter then interuppted my thought and said "Hi my name is Sid and I will be your server. Can I start you out with anything to drink". "Yes , 2 beers please" I say smiling he smiled back yes it was Sidney Crosby. I think Crow was starting to realize that too. Then when Sid comes back he starts trying to flirt with me. I could tell Corey was getting a little angry. So then after Sid left he still could see us then I gave Corey a kiss on the lips. Sidney looks a little jealous.


Thats the end of chapter 7! Sorry that took so long this was a longer chapter. Tell me down below if you like this or not?:)

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