Chapter 28: Happy

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After I was able to get out of the Hospital Wing, we all went to the Common Room.

James was talking freely next to Sirius, who was beside me. I don't even know what he was talking about.

"Can you stop talking." Alex whispered, a terrified tone in his voice.

"Why?" James whispered.

Alex leaned in from his book. "Because I hate the sound of your voice."

I started giggling as Sirius laughed at my antics. I fell off the couch onto Alex's pile of books.

"That hurt!" I giggled.

Remus pulled me up again.

"That wasn't funny." James pouted and crossed his arms.

"I'm free fallin' free faaaaaalin'," I mumbled. Sirius snorted as I did that.

The rain poured outside as our laughter trailed down a little. I love rain.

"Let's go outside," I announced, standing up. Sirius sat me back down.

"Are you mental?"



I ran towards the door, hearing them follow me. Sirius chuckled as I ran outside.

Remus and Peter followed after him. I ran to the little field of flowers that were on the grounds.

The ground was already getting muddy. James hesitated, but came into the rain after us.

The little meadow of flowers was flowing from the strong wind. I shrieked as I was pulled over someone's shoulders.

"Sirius!" I giggled again.

He laughed, and ended up falling over, with him on top of me. But I was laughing to much to care.

The water from his hair dripped as he stood up. He turned into his Animagus form and shook his fur.

James ducked as Remus and Peter covered their faces. Before coming out, Alex muttered charms so he wouldn't get wet.

I forgot all of my problems. I forgot about trying to tell Sirius, I forgot about being a Seer, I just forgot.

I was happy for a moment. Real happiness. And I didn't want that to end.

We left for summer in a week. I didn't want to leave. I hate the orphanage. More than anything.

I gave Sirius a real apology, he gave me his. He grinned for quite a while. Alex always did that weird smirk when I was with Sirius.

Since I haven't talked to Andy in a while, I decided we should do something together.

We were climbing the trees on the grounds while we were asking questions.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Uh, emerald green." I climbed onto the beach and sat down on it.

"What about favorite thing to eat?" Andy climbed onto the branch that was under me.

"Cake." I smiled.

He furrowed his brows. "Cake? That's not a food."

"Yes it is. You can eat it, right?"

"Yes but it's dessert, not food." He giggled.

"Same thing," I chuckled.

"Nuh uh," He shook his head.

"How would you know? You're only eleven." I tapped hid nose.

He crossed his arms and pouted. "Then I hate being eleven."

"Liv!" A voice said.

I looked around and saw Sev, Reg, and Lucius. "Come on, And! It's my friends!"

He giggled and climbed down after me. We ran across the grass, passing other students that were doing work and reading.

I jumped on top of Lucius, who landed on Sev, who landed on Regulus.

We were all laughing though. "Some chain reaction," Reggie chuckled, getting up.

"I think you crushed my rib." Sev groaned. I giggled and helped him up. Lucius got up and hugged me.

"Hey, Lucy." I teased.

"Why do you have to call me that?"

"Who knows, why do you have girl hair?" I crossed my arms and shrugged.

Regulus and Sev burst out laughing. Andy was giggling.

"She called you a girl!"

"No! I never said he was a girl, I just observed that he had long hair!" I defended. I think I did.

Lucius rolled his eyes and pushed them to the ground. "You all are crazy!"

"Thank you!" Severus said from the ground. I was giggling as well as Andy.

We decided to go to Hogsmeade as the last visit of the year. Others were as well.

As we walked from Honeydukes, we went to the Three Broomsticks. I ordered Butterbeer and found us a table.

"Does anyone else smell Firewhisky?" Reggie muttered.

"Stupid. We're in a bar," Lucius rolled his eyes again. "Are you exited for next year?" I asked him, taking a sip of my drink.

"At the same time yes, because it's my last year and no more school, but no, because I won't get to see you all anymore." He smiled sadly.

"Aww, Lucy's getting emotional." I put my hand to my chest. He chuckled.

"I'm honest,"

"Well, I'll miss you too, Lucius. But let's not talk about that right now. We are here, the present, not the future." I nodded to him.

Andy was looking at us weirdly. "And I always thought us kids were cheesy."

We chuckled and finished our drinks. After that, we just joked around and laughed until we got tired.

"Why did the blind man fall into a well?" Regulus asked.

"Because he couldn't see that well."

No one laughed for a moment because it was so stupid.

Then we all started laughing because how stupid it really was.

I was happy today. Very happy.

But we all know happiness can't last forever.


Even Alex ships them. Did any of you like the picture I made above?

I'm in the middle of Fall Break. RANDOM FACT #4 .........I don't know why I wrote this.....

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