Chapter 27: Seer Problems

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After the little fiasco we had, we all walked quietly. Alex narrowed his eyes at me.

"You told him. You told him, didn't you? About my dreams?" I muttered, still looking forward.

He nodded. "I don't now how it was possible, but I knew you were a Seer right when I met you."

"Who is this anyway?" Sirius interjected.

"Alex Codwel." Alex crossed his arms.

"So, that means all of your dreams, are bound to come true." James said. I suddenly stopped.


No. That means...I do have a child...with Sirius. That means, James has twins, with Lily.

"What?" Remus looked over.

I shook my head, violently, and continued to walk. I felt their eyes on me as I walked.

"Does this mean we're not fighting anymore?" Sirius asked. "If you want it to." I muttered.

A sharp pain hit my head. I yelped and fell onto my knees.

"Gorgeous? Lia, what's wrong?" Sirius kneeled down quickly.


"No no." I mumbled. I gave another small cry as another sharp point hit my head.

It felt like lightning had struck my head. What's going on?

Before I knew it, I was screaming. "What do we do?" I heard Peter squeak.

"Help her up!" Sirius slung my arm over his shoulder while Alex got my other.

My screams echoed through the whole school. Suddenly, Lily came out of nowhere, with students crowding around us.

"What happened?!"

"I'll tell you later!" Alex said rapidly.

Remus ran for something that I didn't hear, Sirius was muttering things to me to try to get me calm.

"Hey, you might be the loudest screamer I know. You know, I like it when you laugh, it's like music. Am I doing okay?" He muttered.

"Just keep talking." I breathed. He nodded.

He started to talk about my hair for some reason, but I could barely hear him from the ringing in my ears.

"I like your hair, it looks like cocoa, in a good way. I like the hazel highlights, they make you look-"

I cut him off with another scream.

"Keep her awake!" A new urgent voice said. I was layed down on something familiar.

Someone was mumbling silently in French. And it was slightly muffled.

I could no longer hear. All I could hear was the ringing and my own screams. Not the soothing voice of Sirius, or the funny one of James.

Someone planted a kiss on my head before footsteps retreated. I opened my blurry eyes and saw them being pushed out by Madam Pomfrey.

I no longer could hold my heavy eyelids. They closed like a black curtain over a window.

"-and that's why they make you look so pretty."

I woke up in the middle of a sentence. A sentence made by Sirius.

He was holding my hand rubbing circles over it. He didn't seem to realize that I was awake.

"Sirius," I said softly.

He looked up to me and smiled. "You're awake."

He sat me up and hugged me. He buried his head into my neck. I layed my head down on his chest, hearing the drum like beat.

"What happened?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"You don't remember?"

"Not really, no."

That whole time we stayed like that.

"Where are the others?" I muttered.

"Pomfrey said only one at a time, for some reason they made me come first." He furrowed his brows.

He pulled away and stood up. "I'll go tell the others you're awake," He went to the door and closed it.

Alex was pushed in, a sway of red hair passed someone's hands that pushed him in.

He sat down in the chair Sirius was in. "You were cursing in French." I giggled for some reason.

"You know, your boyfriend was freaking out over there,"

"Boyfriend?" I questioned.

"Sirius." He turned his head.

"I'm not with Sirius. Alex, when I tell you this you have to promise not to tell anyone, especially Sirius."

He nodded.

"In one of my dreams, I found out that me and Sirius have a daughter together."

His stack of books crashed to the floor. "I knew something was going to happen between you two! And turns out he has s-!"

I covered his mouth then uncovered it.

"With you." He muttered with a smile. He did a weird noise and smirked at the door. Something I never want to see him do ever again.

"Alex, I'm trusting you, and if you got into Ravenclaw you are smart enough to know that you shouldn't break any promises you make to me."

He did that wide eyed funny facial expression he always does.

"Olivia, you're going to have to tell him sooner or later. If you are full Seer then your dreams are going to come true." He said.

"I don't even know if I want to tell him!"

"Olivia you know I don't want to pester you about it but you know how important this is."

We were quiet.

He stood up and smiled. "Lily came with James earlier, I think she's starting to warm up to him, don't you think?"

I chuckled as he closed the doors gently.

Will I tell Sirius? Will it mess up the relationship I have with him now? I don't know.

I hate being a Seer already.


Again, WOW. *imatates explosion and throws a bomb* Sirius is so awkward around Olivia, it's so cute!

I love Harry Potter (well duh,) RANDOM FACT #3

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