Chapter 14: What Happens In the Kitchen Stays in the Kitchen

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The past few days at the Potter's were the best. Especially when Remus accidentally ate dirt because of Peter and James.

Earlier in the morning, I had made pancakes for me and Sirius since we were the only ones awake. So we really couldn't decide who made lunch.

Only four days until Christmas! "ONLY FOUR DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!" I screamed into Sirius' ear.

He fell out of his chair with a thump.
"Why, Lia?" He groaned. "No reason, I just wanted to see your reaction," I shrugged.

"I'm surprised I didn't wake up the others, and I never knew adults could be so sneaky. How did they leave without us knowing?" I added.

But he was no longer in front of me.



I screamed and fell out of my chair. "What was that for?!"

"No reason, I just wanted to see your reaction." He mocked with a smirk.

"You are mocking me!" I gasped, causing him to chuckle. James came in.

"James, he mocked me!" I pointed a finger at Sirius.

"Is anyone else hungry? Just stop mocking her so she'll stop whining," He sighed.

"Let's make sandwiches, then," I bent down and took the toaster from the counter.

"Let's work together, then," Sirius said. We nodded.

"Sirius, you get the bread. James, you get the chicken and I'll get the ham."

"Yes m'am!" James saluted to me.

Once Sirius got the bread, he threw some to me. I put the bread in, but nothing seemed to happen.

"You sure this is on?" James peaked in.

"Yes I'm sure of it, I pressed the button, but nothings happened."I told them.

"I'm sure I plugged it in," James mumbled.

We spent forever trying to look for the problem. So we tried for the next ten minutes.

We tried to figure out the problem, but we still couldn't figure it out. Until Sirius sighed and crouched down behind the counter. He brought up an unplugged cord.

I put my hand between the part of the bread.

"No!" Sirius grabbed my hand.

"Calm down, it's not even hot." I shrugged his hand away.

"Merlin, James, your so stupid." I said casually.

"How is this my fault?" He asked. Really?

"It's been in your house forever and you don't know how to use muggle invention? How do you not know how to use it?" I asked, outraged.

Suddenly, sparks flew everywhere from the apliance. I screamed in surprise, as James yelled out and pulled his hand to his chest. Sirius' hand jerked away from the cord, he backed up and crashed into me.

I fell back to the floor, causing a bag of flour to fall off the counter. It exploded and got on my face and hair.
We landed in a pile on the tile floor. My jaw dropped as I glared hard at Sirius. "I am going to kill you."

He scrambled up, running to the other side of the countertop, flour covering his shirt. "Gorgeous, take big breaths. Calm down. It was only an accident."

I spoke slowly. "You ruined my hair. The only thing that keeps my head warm. You ruined it. I'll ruin your face!" I lunged for him. Hitting utensils and knocking them down in the process.

Sirius caught me in his arms, we both slammed into the refrigerator. But before he could speak, I took a banana and smashed it in his face. Smearing it everywhere.

"Oh," he gasped. "It's on."

I shook from his grasp, running away. A piece of soggy bread trailed across from me. It hit James in the face. It slid down slowly and landed on the floor with a 'plop'. "This means war!" He screamed.

In all food fight went out. If Mrs. Potter was here her glares would burn holes into us. She would also scream our ears off at any moment.

Luckily, it wasn't Mrs. Potter that came into the kitchen to see the mess. It was a wide eyed Remus. Me and Sirius stopped, but James threw a berry at Remus by accident.

"What happened in here?!" He bellowed.

"Hey, Remus," I waved with a smile.

"Um," Sirius rubbed the back if his neck, getting even more butter and banana everywhere.

"Want a sandwich?" James pulled a very burnt sandwich from the toaster. Even the chicken was burnt. Seems like it was cooking throughout the whole food fight.

It was the worst sandwich in the history of sandwiches.

Just as Remus was about to speak, the most unwanted person came in. Mrs. Potter came in and gaped at the mess, she gave us glares that burned through our skulls.

"Out. Now. Go upstairs and get yourselves cleaned up. Stay away from the kitchen. Your lucky if you even get dinner.

With a frown, I followed James and Sirius out. Halfway up the stairs, I heard her talking sweetly to Remus as if nothing happened.

Maybe that's a good sign?


I have to admit it was fun writing this chapter.

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