Chapter 26: Sickness and Truth

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All morning I felt stuffy. My head hurt, I felt dizzy, and I could barely talk.

I was laying on the Common Room couch, my head in Alex's lap and my legs in Lily's lap.

"Olivia, you are obviously sick,"Alex sighed and put his book down. Lily glanced at me and worry crossed her face.

"No. I am not." He bent over and put the back of his hand on my cheek and forehead.

"Really? So tell me why your temperature is like a dragon sneezed in your face?"

I paused.

"Maybe that's why I feel so hot. I am not sick-" I cut myself off with a cough.

"That doesn't prove anything." I pointed.

"You're just going to get weak and more sick, stupid." Lily rolled her eyes at me.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me young la-!" I sneezed. Alex slowly turned to me, eyebrows raised.

"Shut up," I grumbled.

"Come on, you need sleep." He helped me up from the couch and walked me up to the dorm room.

He waited, leaning on the door. I just stood there.


"I am not leaving until I see that you  in bed, you are too sneaky." He answered.

I groaned, which only caused me to cough. "Why don't you go to Madam Pomfrey later?" He chuckled.

I fell onto the bed, my face in my pillow. "Fine. If I'm not better, I'll go to Madam Pomfrey." The words came out muffled a little.

"Good. Now scoot over."

"I'm going to get you sick, you numbskull." I muttered.

"I'm immune." He shrugged. I raised my eyebrow, but moved over any way.

He layed down gently and put an arm around my shoulder. I relaxed a little more.

Anyone who would have a friend like Alex is lucky. I'm lucky.

After a while, I surprisingly didn't feel sick as I was earlier, but Lily and Alex still forced me to go to Madam Pomfrey.

I suddenly, out of nowhere, missed James' remarks, Remus and his sarcastic sayings, Peter's quietness. I don't know what I missed about Sirius, I just missed him.

I sighed deeply. Alex took note of this. "What?"

"Um... Nothing." I mumbled.

He nodded slowly and went back to reading.

The common room door opened, and in came a laughing quartet. I locked eyes with Sirius. I tried to get away, but those storm clouds trapped me.

So he looked away from me. Something that looked like regret washed over his face.

James, Remus and Peter stopped laughing and stood there awkwardly.

No one made a sound.

Alex looked around and cleared his throat.

The other Marauders when upstairs with hesitation, leaving Sirius standing there.

I looked foward, hoping he was no longer looking at me. I heard his footsteps going up the stairs, then a door closing very gently.

I grabbed by bag and went upstairs, leaving Alex confused.

I plopped down on my bed.

I should apologize. Or maybe I shouldn't. They hurt Sev, which only made him hurt Lily.

STARS ! sirius black i. ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora